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  • Peterson Teixeira
  • 20/04/2024
  • 1 min de leitura

COMMENT: That’s right. You read it right. Pretty isn’t? Let’s put the very words used by Slate one more time, to give you a quick idea of how much “money” Apple News is “giving” to publishers today, making them starve to death: “Slate makes more money from a single article that gets 50,000 page views on its site than it does from the 6 million page views it receives on Apple News in an average month” — SOURCE: Slate – Apple News is giving the media everything it wants — except money. Obviously, this is not a one-case story. The Guardian already removed itself from Apple News as well: “We have run extensive trials on Facebook Instant Articles and Apple News to assess how they fit with our editorial and commercial objectives. Having evaluated these trials, we have decided to stop publishing in those formats on both platforms…” – SOURCE: Digiday – The Guardian pulls out of Facebook’s Instant Articles and Apple News. Next time you think about putting money and effort into Apple News, think twice. Better yet, never think about it anymore.