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  • Peterson Teixeira
  • 03/05/2024
  • 12 min de leitura

Welcome. This is a resource page with all recommended business articles those in business nowadays should read. Every link shared here was personally read by PETERSON TEIXEIRA, hence the commentaries, the highlights and screenshots so you can know beforehand what you’re spending your time on before you click and read. Naturally, this resource page will be constantly updated and/or corrected to prevent any misleading information and to maintain a good, reliable list of top business articles.

TARGET AUDIENCE: CEOs, Entrepreneurs
IMPORTANT: The majority of the articles here are recent, but you may find resources that date from 2013. Nonetheless, everything is extremely valuable if you intend to master the market. The goal is to provide all the greatest insights and information in these last years, “business milestones” so to speak, so that you know everything there is to know from the Internet on Business in order to master Business today.

Read all the other recommended sections:

LAST UPDATE: This page was last updated in June 28, 2019

The list is decrescent, which means that the latest added article by PETERSON TEIXEIRA is the one on the top of the list. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the article’s publishing date is also recent because as said before, the objective is to collect all business-related masterpieces from the whole Internet. Finding the needles in the haystack is the goal, not be the news.

The Links below are just so you can jump straight to the article, its highlights and comments.