Welcome. This is a resource page with all important government websites that individuals, government leaders and business owners need to know about nowadays. After publishing The Global Financial Crisis Manifesto — A Warning by A Genius Consultant in April 21, 2019 I noticed a huge, enourmous amount of fraud happening online using the name of government agencies and government organizations. Fake websites posing as government websites for Phishing purposes, Fake military websites using the EXACT SAME DOMAIN NAME but ending with .com (commercial) instead, among other very serious cases. True, honest people — especially us christians — will go to proper channels first to solve our problems since we believe in doing the right thing and having an organized society. But once those channels are being spoofed and faked — and GOOGLE is ranking these fake websites 1st on its Search Results instead of the official channels (?!?!) — then it’s clear that something shady is going on which prompted me to take additional action and publish this resource. Another problem I have been seeing is the rise of corrupt government agents thinking they can act freely as criminals now, and also fake government agents. Yes, another harsh reality. We have more monkeys to deal with. But once again, I believe in good people working for the government and I also believe that governments themselves can clean up their own mess, since we entrepreneurs already have to deal with criminal Big Tech and go to war against them nowadays. Finally, I think that part of these fake websites may have been created by Intelligence Agencies themselves, as some sort of “Honey Pot online structure” built to investigate and capture criminal individuals worldwide. After all, let’s remember that we do live in a world where the government itself goes up against its own people, creating countless anti-business laws, teaming up with corrupt corporations and corrupt businesspeople and establishing monopolies/duopolies, mismanaging and stealing government money that should go to HealthCare, Public Safety, Education and more. Ultimately, this resource page will become handy when World War III begins, since we will all need critical information about a sector of a country (like Energy, Water Supply etc) or when we will need to find a country’s online channel or resource to file some complaint/lawsuit or whatever. Therefore, let’s use the proper government channels as much as possible — unless the day comes that it all doesn’t work anymore. But until that day comes, here they are. Enjoy the resources.
TARGET AUDIENCE: CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Individuals, Government Leaders
IMPORTANT: The majority of the government websites here (and related government organizations) are basically the main parts of the government that can be used to support a business owner and his/her company, both in a time of a Global Financial Crisis as in a time of a World War. It’s about knowing a country’s complete infrastructure that may need to be used if problems arise. For instance, if you have a problem with a TELECOM company, which government agency do you go to, to file a complaint, a report or a lawsuit in that particular country? If something happens to the telecom company you use then your business is basically offline, as we are all operating under the infrastructure of a few telecom companies (worldwide). If your city just experienced a blackout and thus has no energy anymore, which government agency do you go to in order to check for your energy status? And what communication channels can be used in the meantime? International entrepreneurs and business leaders need all those answers in a heartbeat.
Read all the other Government Agencies sections that were created to reinforce other important agencies from many other countries:
The European Defence Agency (EDA) supports its 27 Member States in improving their defence capabilities through European cooperation. Acting as an enabler and facilitator for Ministries of Defence willing to engage in collaborative, capability projects, the Agency has become the ‘hub’ for European defence cooperation with expertise and networks allowing it to cover the whole spectrum. Defence is and will remain a national responsibility of the European Union’s 27 countries. But while not creating an ‘EU army’, the EU can help its members buy, develop and operate new assets together. This helps save money, allows militaries to work closely together and reinforces NATO. The European Defence Agency (EDA) was created in 2004 to promote defence collaboration in the EU.
EU Information about Military Forces and Operations, EU Information on Military Intel and Military Assets etc
The European Food Safety Authority is the agency of the European Union set up in 2002 to serve as an impartial source of scientific advice to risk managers and to communicate on risks associated with the food chain. It cooperates with interested parties to promote the coherence of EU scientific advice. It provides the scientific basis for laws and regulations to protect European consumers from food-related risks – from farm to fork. The core of its activities is to collect, appraise and integrate scientific evidence to answer questions about risks. The outcome of the work is scientific advice to risk managers, jointly produced by independent experts and EFSA staff. EFSA communicates about risks in the food chain independently and in a way that meets the needs of its audiences.
EU Scientific Information about Risks in the Food Chain, EU Scientific Basis for laws and regulations on Food-related Risks
The European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation is the law enforcement agency of the European Union (EU) to handle criminal intelligence and combat serious international organized crime and terrorism through cooperation between competent authorities of EU member states. Europol is mandated by the European Union to assist EU Member States in the fight against international crime, such as illicit drugs, trafficking in human beings, intellectual property crime, cybercrime, euro counterfeiting and terrorism, by serving as a centre for law enforcement co-operation, expertise and criminal intelligence. Europol or its officials do not have executive powers — and therefore they do not have powers of arrest and cannot carry out investigations without the approval of national authorities. The Agency is accountable to and controlled by the Justice and Home Affairs Council. Together with the European Parliament, the Council approves Europol’s budget and regulations related to its work.
EU Organized Crime Information, EU Terrorism Situation Information, Internet Organised Crime Information, Europol’s Scanning, Analysis and Notification Information etc
The European Patent Office is one of 2 organs of the European Patent Organisation (EPOrg), the other being the Administrative Council. The EPO acts as executive body for the organization while the Administrative Council acts as its supervisory body as well as, to a limited extent, its legislative body. Within the European Patent Office, examiners are in charge of studying European patent applications, filed by applicants, in order to decide whether to grant a patent for an invention. The European Patent Office (EPO) grants European patents for the Contracting States to the European Patent Convention. The EPO provides a single patent grant procedure, but not a single patent from the point of view of enforcement. Hence the patents granted are not European Union patents or even Europe-wide patents, but a bundle of national patents. Besides granting European patents, the EPO is also in charge of establishing search reports for national patent applications on behalf of the patent offices of France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, San Marino, Lithuania, Latvia and Monaco.
European Patents information, Search for a Patent, Apply for a Patent, Patent Law & Practice etc
The European Central Bank is the central bank for the euro and administers Monetary Policy within the Eurozone, which comprises 19 member states of the European Union and is one of the largest monetary areas in the world. The ECB is one of the World’s most important central banks and serves as one of the 7 institutions of the EU. The bank’s capital stock is owned by all 27 central banks of each EU member state. The primary objective of the ECB is to maintain price stability within the Eurozone, to conduct foreign exchange operations, to take care of the foreign reserves of the European System of Central Banks and operation of the financial market infrastructure. The ECB has the exclusive right to authorize the issuance of euro banknotes. Member states can issue euro coins, but the amount must be authorized by the ECB beforehand. The ECB is governed by European law directly, but its set-up resembles that of a corporation in the sense that the ECB has shareholders and stock capital.
Information about EU Banking, Information about EU Monetary Policy, Information about EU Finance & Consumption statistics, ECB Interest rates etc
The European Court of Auditors is reponsible for auditing the finances of the European Union. It is a professional external investigatory audit agency that has the primary role of checking whether the budget of the European Union (EU) has been implemented correctly or not. The ECA checks the paperwork of all personnel handling any income or expenditure of the Union and carries out spot checks. The ECA is bound to report any problems in its reports for the attention of the EU’s Member States and institutions, these reports include its general and specific annual reports, as well as special reports on its perfomance audits. The ECA’s decision is the basis for the European Commission decisions; Example: when the ECA found problems in the management of EU funds in the regions of England, the Commission suspended funds to those regions and is prepared to fine those who do not return to acceptable standards.
Information about EU Finances, Annual/General/Special Reports about EU Spending in areas such as Culture & Education, Business & Enterprise, Customs and Tax, Transport & Mobility, EU Financial & Economic Growth etc
The Court of Justice is the judicial branch of the European Union. This EU institution consists of 2 separate courts: the Court of Justice and the General Court. The CJEU interprets EU law to make sure it is applied in the same way in all EU countries, and settles legal disputes between national governments and EU institutions. It can also, in certain circumstances, be used by individuals, companies or organizations to take action against an EU institution, if they feel it has somehow infriged their rights. The CJEU has 5 common type of cases: 1) interpreting the EU law; 2) enforcing the EU law; 3) annulling EU legal acts; 4) ensuring the EU takes action; 5) sanctioning EU institutions; If you — as a private individual or as a company — have suffered damage as a result of action or inaction by an EU institution or its staff, you can take action against them in the Court, in one of 2 ways: 1) indirectly through NATIONAL COURTS (which may decide to refer the case to the Court of Justice); 2) directly before the GENERAL COURT (if a decision by an EU institution has affected you directly and individually). If you feel that authorities in any country have infriged EU law, you must follow the official complaints procedure.
EU Law cases, EU Law Information, EU Law enforcement, File a complaint against an EU Institution etc
The European Commission is the executive branch of the European Union, responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the EU treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the EU. The Commissioners are proposed by the Council of the European Union, on the basis of suggestions made by the national governments, and then apointed by the European Council after the approval of the European Parliament. This EU institution operates as a cabinet government, with 27 members of the Commission. There is one member per member state (member state = country), but members are bound by their oath of office to represent the general interest of the EU as a whole rather than their home state. The Commmission was set up from the start to act as an independent supranational authority separate from governments, free from other influences such as the governments that appointed them. This is in contrast to the Councilof the EU, which represents governments, and the European Parliament which represents citizens..
EU Economy, EU Law, EU Environmental protection information, EU Information about Visas and Immigration, EU Information for businesses and entrepreneurs, EU Governing Strategy & Priorities Implementation, Information about the European Commission etc
The European Council is an official institution of the EU, mentioned by the Lisbon Treaty as a body which “shall provide the Union with the necessary impetus for its development”. Essentially, it defines the EU’s policy agenda and has been considered to be the motor of European integration. The collective body that defines the European Union’s overall political direction and priorities. It comprises the heads of state or government of the EU member states, along with the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission. Since the institution is composed of national leaders, it gathers the executive power of the member states and has a great influence in high-profile policy areas as for example Foreign Policy. The European Council also influences police and justice planning, the composition of the Commission, matters relating to the organization of the rotating Council presidency, the suspension of membership rights, and changing the voting systems through the Passerelle Clause.
Europe’s Political Direction & Priorities, Information about the European Council etc
The Legislative branch of the European Union and one of its 7 institutions. Together with the Council of the European Union, it adopts European legislation, normally on a proposal from the European Commission. The Parliament is composed of 705 members. Although the European Parliament has legislative power, as does the Council, it does not formally possess legislative initiative, as most national parliaments of European Union member states do nowadays. The Parliament shares equal legislative and budgetary powers with the Council (except in a few areas where the special legislative procedures apply). It likewise has equal control over the EU budget. Finally, the European Commission, the executive body of the EU is accountable to Parliament.
European Union Information, Information about European Union Laws etc