
Welcome. This is a resource page with all the business reality that PETERSON TEIXEIRA is going through involving Facebook, The “Social Media” Company. Since in our time many businesses are under Monopolies and Duopolies, it’s important to show the realities of business sabotage, in this case, by Facebook. Business sabotage is a real thing in our world, however it doesn’t hit the news much since this subject impacts business deals, business relationships and ultimately, a business’ bottom line. Wealth. And the ability to succeed since money is going to fewer hands and companies. Which also means that many are afraid to speak out due to fear of not getting another job, or another customer, or having a way of supporting themselves. However, we have truly reached peak levels of business sabotage, including by Facebook. Therefore, this resource must exist to warn other businesses and entrepreneurs. Naturally, this resource page will be constantly updated and/or corrected to prevent any misleading information and to maintain a good, reliable list of the truth about Facebook. With a bit of entertainment.

All cards have the Status field which shows whether a War is CURRENTLY ongoing or not: RESOLVED or FIGHTING . However, since many of the brands that do get a worthy place here may have several other business arms, and since there are too many variables (employees, new CEOs etc) at play in the business space, a RESOLVED status may change its status back to FIGHTING again (and vice-versa). New Monkeys may be the ones to blame for a status going back to FIGHTING. Likewise, new good businesspeople can be the ones responsible for solving a current problem, turning its status back to RESOLVED. Therefore, the Status field does not reflect a final state. Nothing is final. Use it wisely.



The Links below are just so you can jump straight to the card, its content and comments.

CEO WARS #1 : The Shortened Story of The last 5 years

Last Updated: August 04, 2020

Because FACEBOOK THINKS it can freely do business sabotage and use it to maintain its business success and all kinds of cute “control”REASON FOR THE WAR:Since 2015, Peterson Teixeira has been working really hard, fighting and struggling to market his business online to get customers. Naturally, online marketing also involves knowing another company really well and its surveillance platform: FACEBOOK. As a hardworking entrepreneur, Peterson Teixeira read all top marketing experts of the world and implemented their techniques, publishing expert-level content repeatdly, with marketing techniques never seen before. Then, after doing all the hard work necessary and getting nowhere over his genius marketing efforts, and noticing that everybody was on the same ship, struggling to market themselves on Facebook to survive, he made a big decision: STOP getting customers to start READING what everybody else was saying. After reading all major News Media like The New York Times, The Guardian and Industry Experts for 10 to 16 hours per day for about 2 years, Peterson Teixeira then found out that Facebook has been sabotaging rising competitors and businesses it doesn’t like, since it can see its Business Attention levels through its platform and “control” a Facebook’s page attention and Ads by kicking it away from its News Feed and other areas whenever it pleases.
PETERSON TEIXEIRA: Another quick story. If you read the previous card, then you already know that I went through a lot these past 5 years. But Facebook is also part of the story. You see, everybody knows that Facebook is rigged nowadays, except normal facebook users. But on the business side, Adidas was complaining about it, A LEGION of marketing agencies were complaining about it, executives, marketers, advertisers, bloggers, influencers, NGOs and even politicians, since it likes to “control” political narratives towards its own goals. Of course, I only started noticing the truth about Facebook when I was mastering shameless promotions on Facebook and still getting nowhere. I knew I could achieve my Marketing Goals without the need of putting money into Ads, since I was noticing strong attention levels to my brand. And I was right. But I was wrong to think that Facebook was just a platform that businesses can use to succeed. Tsc tsc…I was so naive at the time. MAN I WAS NAIVE. After months literally putting non-stop work and evaluating what was wrong I noticed that…there wasn’t nothing wrong. Again. So while having to deal with Google sabotaging my business, I was also dealing with Facebook doing the exact same thing at the same time. I realized that reality after creating my Chatbot — using my own Framework that was working very well — because I was getting no leads. ZERO. And it was one of the best IF NOT THE BEST article on Chatbot building at the time as well. There was no reason for zero leads. Additionally, I also pionereed on Facebook using Facebook Notes as a medium to post short pieces of content. The greatest benefit for using that strategy was the Facebook Note opening really fast, since it was part of Facebook’s platform. And this was in the time where everybody — and I mean EVERYBODY — was going to Facebook Messenger to promote themselves, since users rarely ignore a direct channel and Facebook’s stupid algorithms had changed again, bringing some major brands that were only on Facebook to bankruptcy. My strategies worked. People were complimenting my tactics and chatbot but again, no money was coming in because no customers were sending me any messages through my Facebook Page at the time. There was once an executive from Diario de Portugal, a major news media from Portugal that started testing my Chabot due to my article about Chatbots. But once again, despite all my efforts, I was getting nowhere. Then after practically reading the entire market for about 2 years, ranging from the news to independent experts, once again it was clear that Facebook is not a real business. It’s a surveillance platform, that decides who gets attention (people & news) DISGUISED as a Social Platform. And that is becoming one of the two online options for advertising at the same time. That’s the truth. And because of its rigged algorithms, it can basically “control” where brands do marketing whenever a new feature is launched. Facebook Watch, its attempt on competing against Youtube, was ALSO hammered by many news outlets since it was leading to….no money. And therefore, no results. Facebook Live eventually became the same thing. But whenever a new Facebook feature was out, I saw brands from all over the place going after it, putting the work there like trained monkeys. Stupid. Very stupid. What this was actually doing was sending Facebook data about a new feature, so it could present it to its Board of Directors and Investors, in order to get more money. Nothing wrong with that, but when you’re sabotaging rising competitors, and copying better ideas from newer social platforms — like when Facebook simply copied all the major features from Snapchat, and added them to Whats App and Instagram, remember?! — then you know that you have just another monkey business that’s teamed up with the corrupt part of governments. Just another agent responsible for destroying true Capitalism and blocking Innovation. After you learn what Big Tech is truly about, you just avoid it at all costs. Those who are true to themselves do that. So after taking all those big risks I talked about in CEO WARS #1: Google, and after publishing The Manifesto, I closed my Facebook account, downloaded all my personal data for future lawsuits and deleted my Whats App (I forgot to delete the account). Instagram was also deleted since I noticed that someone was “controlling” my Instagram Page, and not letting it go over 1500 followers. Despite its success. Finally, there’s no need to worry about not having a social media account in today’s business reality anymore. Because just as I said in the Manifesto, social media features can be added on a brand’s website. Then we only socialize with the brands we like without having to worry about whether someone from the NSA is accessing your account and turning your family into a “CIA agent” (watch the Snowden movie). Or using the Facebook App to monitor your phone. Or track your every move on the real world. Or something else that I’m tired of writing about. Go read the Manifesto. So let’s go to war baby. Because evil businesses are not gonna decide who gets success or not. Not on my watch. I believe in Truth, but I’m also a big fan of Justice.

CEO WARS #2 : FACEBOOK THINKS it can freely do business sabotage

Last Updated: August 04, 2020

FACEBOOK THINKS it can freely do business sabotage

FACEBOOK THINKS it can freely do business sabotage
PETERSON TEIXEIRA: FACEBOOK THINKS it can freely do business sabotage
ANSWER: FACEBOOK THINKS it can freely do business sabotage

CEO WARS #3 : FACEBOOK Qualquer coisa

Last Updated: August 04, 2020


you already know that I went through a lot these past 5 years. But Facebook is also part of the story. You see, everybody knows that Facebook is rigged nowadays, except normal facebook users. But on the business side, Adidas was complaining about it, A LEGION of marketing agencies were complaining about it, executives, marketers, advertisers, bloggers, influencers, NGOs and even politicians, since it likes to “control” political narratives towards its own goals. Of course, I only started noticing the truth about Facebook when I was mastering shameless promotions on Facebook and still getting nowhere. I knew I could achieve my Marketing Goals without the need of putting money into Ads, since I was noticing strong attention levels to my brand. And I was right. But I was wrong to think that Facebook was just a platform that businesses can use to succeed. Tsc tsc…I was so naive at the time. MAN I WAS NAIVE. After months literally putting non-stop work and evaluating what was wrong I noticed that…there wasn’t nothing wrong. Again. So while having to deal with Google sabotaging my business, I was also dealing with Facebook doing the exact same thing at the same time. I realized that reality after creating my Chatbot — using my own Framework that was working very well — because I was getting no leads. ZERO. And it was one of the best IF NOT THE BEST article on Chatbot building at the time as well. There was no reason for zero leads. Additionally, I also pionereed on Facebook using Facebook Notes as a medium to post short pieces of content. The greatest benefit for using that strategy was the Facebook Note opening really fast, since it was part of Facebook’s platform. And this was in the time where everybody — and I mean EVERYBODY — was going to Facebook Messenger to promote themselves, since users rarely ignore a direct channel and Facebook’s stupid algorithms had changed again, bringing some major brands that were only on Facebook to bankruptcy. My strategies worked. People were complimenting my tactics and chatbot but again, no money was coming in because no customers were sending me any messages through my Facebook Page at the time. There was once an executive from Diario de Portugal, a major news media from Portugal that started testing my Chabot due to my article about Chatbots. But once again, despite all my efforts, I was getting nowhere. Then after practically reading the entire market for about 2 years, ranging from the news to independent experts, once again it was clear that Facebook is not a real business. It’s a surveillance platform, that decides who gets attention (people & news) DISGUISED as a Social Platform. And that is becoming one of the two online options for advertising
PETERSON TEIXEIRA: platform, that decides who gets attention (people & news) DISGUISED as a Social Platform. And that is becoming one of the two online options for advertising
ANSWER: news) DISGUISED as a Social Platform. And that is becoming one of the two online options for advertising