Welcome. This is a resource page with all web hosting providers those in business nowadays should know about. Every web hosting provider shared here is part of the Web Hosting Industry, personally checked by PETERSON TEIXEIRA and considered a valuable resource for businesses that want to avoid anti-competitive, or sabotage-based web hosting companies. However, because some Web Hosting companies are still part of the Web Hosting industry and because people are unaware of alternatives or what a web hosting provider means, Some Web Hosting companies that may be involved in wrongdoings will be listed here. That way business owners, marketing professionals, independent experts and ordinary people worldwide can see what kind of web hosting market we have worldwide, and what options we all have for hosting a online company/website. Another reason why this section was created by PETERSON TEIXEIRA is due to the enormous amount of business sabotage that have been on the rise recently, triggered by criminal big tech companies and individuals to block competition in an early stage. Additionally, since Peterson Teixeira himself, CEO & Founder at WWW.PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM recently felt the impact of heavy sabotage done by his own Web Hosting provider, the need to display this business reality to the world became a must since web hosting is part of online business infrastructure. Besides, the online market is already extremely difficult thanks to criminal Big Tech, what happens if even your web hosting provider starts behaving as a criminal business? You never “leave the ground”. Finally, when World War III begins, Independent Websites, News Media sources, Investigative Journalism and New Businesses will be extremely critical for Society — as they already are despite the rise of criminals everywhere — and we need to know what web hosting companies in the world are reliable and deserve business, because now, business sabotage and censorship is becoming mainstream which makes finding the best web hosting service a must. I, PETERSON TEIXEIRA, BELIEVE that we need the full picture and we need to be aware of as many web hosting options as possible to make the best informed decisions possible. The world needs new solutions on the web hosting market. People everywhere are awakening and seeing the dangers of Big Tech trying to control almost everything for Global Society. The same cannot happen with Web Hosting. Monopolies in that category will block any business that may take down — honestly — the level of dominance of criminal Big Tech companies. Nonetheless, test everything. Then make up your mind about which web hosting service suits you best. That’s the recommendation. Naturally, this resource page will be constantly updated and/or corrected to prevent any misleading information and to maintain a good, reliable list of top web hosting providers.
TARGET AUDIENCE: CEOs, Entrepreneurs
IMPORTANT: The majority of the web hosting options here are mainstream brands, companies which have been on the market for years. You may find good web hosting providers that are new but strong. Some very reliable options. Nonetheless, everything is extremely valuable if you intend to master the market and see what options we actually have today. The goal is to provide all the best competitors of the web hosting market in the world because if the time comes where we need to overpay a handful of companies for hosting a website online or if certain levels of censorship start taking place and cutting even more attention of independent websites, new businesses or rising competitors, it’s good to know which options we have for hosting a website nowadays. The more options, the better. Enjoy the resources.
LAST UPDATE: This page was last updated in July 19, 2020
The list displays the latest added web hosting brand by PETERSON TEIXEIRA on the end of the list. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the brand’s work is less important or less relevant than the most well-known web hosting providers because new high-quality web hosting services will arise in these hard times. The objective here is to collect all relevant web hosting options from around the world in order to see what THE WORLD has as an option for hosting a website online. Finding the game-changing links that have been delivering key solutions is the goal, and not write reviews or rank anyone.
The Links below are just so you can jump straight to the browser and its general information.
WEBSITE: www.godaddy.com
ABOUT THE WEB HOSTING PROVIDER: GoDaddy is an American publicly traded Internet domain registar and web hosting company headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona. GoDaddy provides Web Hosting, WordPress Hosting and other related services with 24/7 network security and it was reported as the largest ICANN-accredited registar in the world, at the size of 4 times their closest competitor. Additionally, GoDaddy has been involved in several controversies related to censorship in recent years.
WEBSITE: www.locaweb.com.br
ABOUT THE WEB HOSTING PROVIDER: Locaweb is practically the only option in Web Hosting in Brazil, and it possesses one of the biggest data centers in Latin America that works 24/7. Its services range from Web Hosting, Cloud Hosting, WordPress Hosting, Reseller Hosting, VPS Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, Cloud Computing and more. Customers have among other benefits, a Network Status page for checking the availability of its services. Recently, Peterson Teixeira, Founder & CEO at WWW.PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM created the CEO WARS: Locaweb page due to several layers of sabotage done by Locaweb itself against his company for unknown reasons.
WEBSITE: www.hostgator.com
ABOUT THE WEB HOSTING PROVIDER: HostGator is a global provider of web hosting and related services. Founded in a dorm room at Florida Atlantic University by Brent Oxley, HostGator has grown into a leading provider of Shared, Reseller, VP, and Dedicated web hosting. HostGator is headquartered in Houston and Austin, Texas, with several international offices throughout the globe. Its services range from Web Hosting, Cloud Hosting, WordPress Hosting, Reseller Hosting, VPS Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, Application Hosting, Windows Hosting, to Website Builder and more. Customers have among other benefits, a Network Status page for checking the availability of its services.