Welcome. This is a resource page with all the business reality that PETERSON TEIXEIRA is going through involving Facebook, The "Social Media" Company. Since in our time many businesses are under Monopolies and Duopolies, it's important to show the realities of business sabotage, in this case, by Facebook. Business sabotage is a real thing in our world, however it doesn't hit the news much since this subject impacts business deals, business relationships and ultimately, a business' bottom line. Wealth. And the ability to succeed since money is going to fewer hands and companies. Which also means that many are afraid to speak out due to fear of not getting another job, or another customer, or having a way of supporting themselves. However, we have truly reached peak levels of business sabotage, including by Facebook. Therefore, this resource must exist to warn other businesses and entrepreneurs. Naturally, this resource page will be constantly updated and/or corrected to prevent any misleading information and to maintain a good, reliable list of the truth about Facebook. With a bit of entertainment.
All cards have the Status field which shows whether a War is CURRENTLY ongoing or not: RESOLVED or FIGHTING . However, since many of the brands that do get a worthy place here may have several other business arms, and since there are too many variables (employees, new CEOs etc) at play in the business space, a RESOLVED status may change its status back to FIGHTING again (and vice-versa). New Monkeys may be the ones to blame for a status going back to FIGHTING. Likewise, new good businesspeople can be the ones responsible for solving a current problem, turning its status back to RESOLVED. Therefore, the Status field does not reflect a final state. Nothing is final. Use it wisely.