
Welcome. This is a resource page with all relevant recent activity about PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM, The Company, The Brand and The Founder & CEO. Created for those who have been following all the work and journey of this brand and its Founder and CEO, Peterson Teixeira, in the past few years, in order to make people who care or who are after company information, informed about a particular subject, new areas of the website, and more.


TARGET AUDIENCE: CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Journalists, Customers, Fanbase
IMPORTANT: This area of the website displays all the latest PR messages regarding the Peterson Teixeira Company brand in order to maintain government personnel, journalists, business owners and customers worldwide informed about any recent activity in PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM. Because the business world of today runs way faster than years ago, synchronizing all the information about Peterson Teixeira Company, the brand, the Founder/CEO and everything else related to the brand is a must. The objective here is to publish all relevant information to those who have been paying close attention to PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM in recent years, so people can know upfront what has been really happening and what is the reality of a particular subject by Peterson Teixeira Company and its Founder & CEO, Peterson Teixeira. Whenever you want to know what the brand is saying about something showed, aired, or talked about elsewhere about this very brand and PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM, check this Public Relations section.

LAST UPDATE: This page was last updated in March 19, 2024


The list displays the latest PR messages regarding the Peterson Teixeira Company brand. The recently added PR NEWS is on the top of the list. If you think there is something that Peterson Teixeira Company and its Founder & CEO, Peterson Teixeira should be aware or provide a response for to world markets, please feel free to send a message informing what you know (with links whenever possible so the fact-checking can be done faster). Thank you!

The Links below are just so you can jump straight to the card and its information.

The Company Website is now ONLINE after 3 years offline:Because of major business wars involving both a telecommunications company and a dubious web hosting provider in Brazil + BIG TECHS, PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM went offline due to obvious criminal activity done by all these “business” players. Peterson Teixeira, the Founder & CEO went to Policia Federal Headquarters in Sao Paulo (Brazil) and to stations in São José dos Campos and Santos, to file a National Security warning regarding BIG TECHS and TIM (a telecom in Brazil) and Locaweb (a web hosting provider in Brazil). The goal was to provide evidence on how BIG TECHS are now enslaving businesses and entrepreneurs while at the same time, warn about 1 of the big 4 telecommunications company + a monopoly in web hosting are actually stealing money in practice by offering “a service” while sabotaging business communication channels (emails and phone calls) of PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM, essentially blocking cashflow and impacting the economy, while existing as fraudulent businesses. Despite Peterson Teixeira’s best efforts, no federal agent contacted Peterson Teixeira about his documentations which had almost 600 articles from brands like The New York Times, WSJ and many other expert sources, along with professional original content from the company which were all published on the website from 2019 to 2021 to prove that Markets are being enslaved by BIG TECHS. Furthermore, audio files were specifically created for Policia Federal in order to help federal agents who don’t have a business mindset understand the seriousness of both of these subjects: BIG TECHs enslavement + fraudulent telecoms and web hosting providers in Brazil, along with other related subjects. Additionally, Peterson Teixeira sent Agência Brasileira de Inteligência (ABIN) (Brazil’s CIA) content through mail (because its Headquarters is in Brasilia, far away from Santos) warning about BIG TECHS and its link with a secret technology which both the U.S. and Russia has that can target any federal agent’s brain directly with piercing sound waves, but also got no response in return. Because there’s a network of criminals involving businesses and parts of the government (Brazil and USA, after all BIG TECHs are government), Peterson Teixeira decided to have the company website go offline for a while and see if his efforts on helping the good side of Brazil’s law enforcement agencies would change something for the better. And if something could be done against a fraudulent Telecom (TIM) and a fraudulent Web Hosting provider (Locaweb). Despite no one coming to talk about these subjects, certain things did happen on the business side with companies in Brazil after his visit to Policia Federal in Sao Paulo, like PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM market solutions (the QR Codes on marketing materials and packaging) getting implemented by brands like Hershey’s, Coca-cola and many other brands found in supermarkets. A solution promoted in The Global Financial Crisis Manifesto, a 523-page PDF that connects many dots on The Market and that was also part of the documentation filed on Policia Federal. Now that the war for attention and the war for money continues, Peterson Teixeira decided to revive the website with a new look and with a new focus in sight and leave these subjects behind. As the war continues, both in business and in governments, what matters is simple: you have to keep producing and fighting the evil side of both ends with what you have. There’s more to come. Stay tuned.
The Web Hosting Provider is sabotaging WWW.PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM WordPress’ backend code (!):After the publication of The Manifesto, a true explosion of attacks to the website and the founder began. Peterson Teixeira noticed that ZERO phone calls and ZERO emails from brands, lawyers, government agents, fanbase etc, could only mean one thing: SABOTAGE. Now, it seems that some criminals are cloning — or have been cloning — only THE FOOTER and THE HEADER of WWW.PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM. So here’s what you MUST SEE at the Header and The Footer of the website [ image ]. WARNING: If the Address you’re seeing IS NOT “Amelia Leuchtemberg 45 APT 31 – PONTA DA PRAIA – SANTOS – BRAZIL” and the phone line IS NOT “+55 13 981 700 440” (Brazil) then please report it by bombing the communication channels and the very phone line itself in order to leave TIM (a Telecom in Brazil) without any logical answers except admitting to monster-level criminal activity against strong businesses and entrepreneurs. Additionally, please put the brand’s CEP: 11-030-020 (i.e. the brazilian Zip Code) onto the Correios website to see if it’s matching (because it must!), and put the brand’s CNPJ: 23.294.412/0001-87 (i.e. the brazilian Company ID) onto Receita Federal website to see if it’s also matching (because it also must!). The company is currently in a 3-floor, small building in Ponta da Praia – Santos city – BRAZIL only because Peterson Teixeira’s emails and phone calls are under sabotage by criminals (inside TIM and LOCAWEB) since at least March 2017, and thus, blocking the company’s cashflow and its progress on world markets. It is simply organized crime trying to prevent true entrepreneurs and real game-changing business like WWW.PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM and Peterson Teixeira himself from getting into international markets honestly, and crushing the level of dominance of Big Tech companies, because a lot of the market dominance Big Tech currently has been enjoying in the past decade, is due to hidden criminal activity as shown in the Global Financial Crisis Manifesto and The Wall of Journalism (and in movies like Snowden’s and documentaries of course). True entrepreneurs work hard. Organized crime works hard on business sabotage. Nonetheless, eventually, the “why” for ZERO international calls or emails will have to come out. Criminal monkeys may use sabotage only up until a certain point as people already know, but eventually there’s a date for the truth to come out. Some believe in crimes. Others believe in truth. Time is running out. Finally, please follow The Founder. Because new pieces of the whole story will be posted there. Very important ones. In the meantime, share. And try contacting the brand and the founder. Repeatedly.
The New Section that will work as a Replacement for Twitter is out:Because Twitter hasn’t been working for a long time now for Peterson Teixeira, CEO & Founder at Peterson Teixeira Company (especially after Twitter edited [!] the contents of Peterson Teixeira’s last Tweet after the publication of the Manifesto), a new section is out that will work as a replacement for it: The Founder’s Cards. It will be a place for posting things online that do matter without having to worry about Big Tech sabotaging everything, like editing your tweets or worse. If you’re part of the fanbase, or if you are a journalist, business owner, or entrepreneur, or freelancer who may want to see what has been going on lately with Peterson Teixeira’s personal and business life, and any of his thoughts being shared on the brand, simply add the URL to your bookmarks. Don’t forget that The Direct Asks section is also another place for it, although its focus is mainly on commonly asked or expected questions.
The New Section for Online Translators services that people need to be aware about:Do you still use Google Translate? Don’t you think is time to be aware about new online translation services that are on the rise? Have a look at the new Translators Worldwide section. Now go check the very 1st option on that page. Yes, it’s a far more superior translation service than Google Translate itself. But don’t take my word for it. Try it yourself by putting chunks of content from The Individual Privacy Manifesto or The Global Financial Crisis Manifesto on it and see what you get out of it. Then share it all afterwards. But this is just the start. Because a lot more people woke up after noticing the dangers of Big Tech. Certainly more high-quality translators will come out soon.
The Individual Privacy Manifesto was published todayDo you still use Facebook? Here’s a very powerful word by Peterson Teixeira, Founder & CEO at Peterson Teixeira Company for NOT using Facebook anymore in your entire life. Real-world explanations for understanding all the dangers of it, for YOU and for WORLD MARKETS. You have no idea how this criminal enterprise can become something much worse in the near future. Read it. And share it afterwards.
The Awesome New section: Real World Education. Created to speed up learning in a Time of Crisis:Business owners, Entrepreneurs, Freelancers and everyday people have now a new section to watch: Real World Education. Documentaries, TV Series, Movies and more educational content that explains how global markets work, how entrepreneurship is in practice, and why people’s money have been losing purchasing power, are just the beginning of what’s coming. People need to be informed and entertained at the same time. And avoid fraudulent services like Colleges and Universities that take students’ money and unleash them into a market they didn’t prepare them for at all. It’s time to fix things and help people understand why we are where we are and who are the good guys and who are the bad guys in this monstrous, extremely fraudulent system. It’s about people’s money. And people’s lives. It’s time some “businesses” stop playing around with all that and get what they deserve. True Capitalists are still alive.
The CEO WARS continues over zero international phone calls and emails:This has no logical explanation whatsoever besides criminal activity and extreme levels of business sabotage to protect cute “giants” who are afraid of the truth. Since March 2017 NO PHONE CALLS nor BUSINESS EMAILS from overseas got to the inboxes of WWW.PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM showing that Business Sabotage is a MUST subject to talk about nowadays. After putting out legendary level of business advice for free, Peterson Teixeira, Founder & CEO STILL got no emails nor international phone calls by customers, lawyers or potential partners. Once again, additional interactions were made to the CEO WARS: Locaweb (one more serious, monster problem: about not being able to upload videos now to fight Youtube) and CEO WARS: TIM (zero international calls since at least March 2017 indicating extreme criminal activity on business and personal lines). CLEARLY, real businesspeople CANNOT trust THEIR OWN Telecoms anymore, nor THEIR OWN Web Hosting Providers (which in Brazil is practically a monopoly). But because I, PETERSON TEIXEIRA, I’M TIRED of way too many monkey criminals thinking they can “control” and “play” with people’s lives, this will go to the very end. Because if ALL THIS EFFORT is being made to try to stop true-tellers and true solution-providers for today’s global markets, THEN IT MUST BE BECAUSE too many attacks (or should I say truths and justice bombs?) are coming and hitting Google and Facebook from all over the place. Right? How many countries by now? How many class action lawsuits? How many individual lawsuits? How many employees telling the truth? How many people giving up on Google’s criminal systems? How many Facebook accounts deleted for good? Like Dolph Lundgreen says back to Rocky in the Rocky 4 masterpiece: “Until the end…”. YEAH BABY! Either admit to not wanting to serve christian businesses and christians anymore since day one, or stop being a coward and come forward and tell the truth. Taking people’s money over the years through coward ways to get the “business” richer and more powerful is not really power. It’s just cowardness. It’s just a bunch of criminal monkeys thinking that they have everything under control and can block true warriors from getting things THE RIGHT WAY. But no criminals will block WWW.PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM’s impact on World Markets as it has already been proven repeatedly over and over again, over the years now. The busines is still here. And I, Peterson Teixeira himself, Founder and CEO am still here. And don’t forget to follow the whole true story by starting with Newsroom #9. Let’s fight some criminals.
The Last 2 E-mails shown at the end of The Manifesto were created today:After finding out the level of business sabotage being done against WWW.PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM emails, Peterson Teixeira, Founder & CEO decided to create today the last 2 emails that couldn’t be created at the time when The Global Financial Crisis Manifesto was published. Why insist? To go to the roots of WHO or WHAT has been blocking Peterson Teixeira Company’s business email flow, which is under heavy sabotage since at least March 2017, when The Market Mastery section was created to reinforce News articles from media brands like The New York Times, The Guardian, Wall Street Journal, Quartz, Business Insider, CNBC, MIT Technology Review, Bloomberg, Wired, Reuters etc (WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION). Currently, the company website and its emails are under Locaweb’s Hosting services, hence why the CEO WARS: Locaweb was recently created. To start a real investigation in order to find out who are the criminals (i.e. cowards) blocking the communication channels of legitimate businesses and risk takers in a time of crisis. We don’t like business sabotage. And we don’t like criminals as well.
A Few more New Areas Launched on PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM while under heavy sabotage/attack:Recently, a few more areas on the company website were created to reinforce how Entrepreneurs worldwide have been working DESPITE Business Sabotage, Rampant Fake News, False Pandemic Alarms, Economic Crisis and more. The new areas that may help other people are the following: Direct Asks: A place where expected and common questions are answered, All The Public Letters: The Landing Page for the recently launched Public Letters section, Email Providers Worldwide, Web Hosting Providers Worldwide, and Online Maps Worldwide (The last 3 areas need no description…obviously). These new areas are here to reinforce in people’s minds that work is being done by a lot of entrepreneurs worldwide, but not all work gets seen as fast we expect for several reasons. Despite the Global Financial Crisis and stupid false alarms, MANY entrepreneurs and businesspeople know what is going on and know what to expect next from Global Markets, so they’re producing the work that will make a difference a couple of years from now. Likewise, Peterson Teixeira Company will not stop its activities.
A Few Important Updates were made on The Company’s ABOUT PAGE:Because Peterson Teixeira has been noticing that The Company and The Bible and good and powerful entrepreneurs along with business competitors have been all under heavy sabotage recently by unknown individuals, the decision was made to publish part of his own history to boost people’s faith along with some major explanations about The Times, and additional explanations about Christianity. Just check the sections in the About Page of The Company: Arguments Warfare, The Bible, The Company, The Company’s Why, The Company Mindset, and The Founder & CEO. Some few links that may help you understand what Peterson Teixeira Company stands for since day one. It’s time to be more adamant about it. Enjoy your Readings and Links. Welcome to Peterson Teixeira Company.
The Contact Information Page got Launched on PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM to speed things up:Because Peterson Teixeira has noticed that the company website seems to be cloned somewhere and somehow by some weak criminals, and because international phone calls and business emails have been under heavy sabotage in order to make the Founder & CEO, Peterson Teixeira, “unsuccessful” and “broke” to the world, a brand new Contact Page got launched to see if things can speed up and email flow and incoming international calls can pass through: CONTACT INFORMATION. This is being shared by Peterson Teixeira himself because it’s interesting to see the level of resistance and monster barriers one can face once powerful truth bombs about criminal enterprises — i.e. Google and Facebook — are published by individuals and companies. And of course, for documentation.
More 3 New Areas Launched on PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM while under heavy sabotage/attack:Once more, while fighting criminal businesses, Peterson Teixeira has launched 3 new sections on the company website: BROWSERS WORLDWIDE, OPERATING SYSTEMS WORLDWIDE and TELECOMMUNICATIONS WORLDWIDE. It’s time to know all the must-know business infrastructure and software alternatives so people can properly survive these hard times (which criminals are making worse). Because Google Chrome is a browser from the now-revealed criminal enterprise — GOOGLE — and Big Tech has been engaging in sabotage and censorship behind the scenes, other browser options are a must. And because of it, Operating Systems too since most personal computers in the world run on Windows. However, Peterson Teixeira, Founder & CEO at Peterson Teixeira Company found out that Windows has some obscure backdoors in order to spy and steal Intellectual Property or spy what you’ve been typing. Therefore, professional O.S. options are also a must. Likewise, Telecommunications are critical too since without Internet Access or Phone Lines no business can exist. But since, unfortunately, not much investigative journalism came out up until this point about Telecoms worldwide, it’s good to know about the options in order to hold them accountable because good businesspeople and good people in general have been trying to bring up true solutions to World Markets for today’s chaotic scenario. But sabotage is in place. Heavy sabotage. So is time to reveal it all. Explore the options and pick what suits you best.
New Area: Public Letters Launched on PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM while under heavy sabotage/attack:While fighting many established criminal businesses at the same time, Peterson Teixeira has launched a brand new section on the company website: PUBLIC LETTERS. Because good people and the good guys (and girls!) are needing a true energy boost during these hard times and during this corona virus false alarm (yes, it’s false but relax, I’ll talk about it later), more new areas came out. For now, you can read the first 3 Public Letters available at The Home Page of the website but here are the direct links: PUBLIC LETTER: Americans, PUBLIC LETTER: Journalists, and of course, PUBLIC LETTER: Heroes. A Landing Page for this area will be created in the near future.
About The New Areas Launched on PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM while under heavy sabotage/attack:While under heavy business sabotage by Google, Facebook, TIM (Telecom) and other established criminal businesses, Peterson Teixeira has launched new sections on the company website: WHO ARE YOU, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES (USA, BRAZIL, EUROPE and INTERNATIONAL), NEWS MEDIA WORLDWIDE, CEO WARS, SEARCH ENGINES WORLDWIDE, and now, NEWSROOM and ANIMAL VIDEOS. You can follow Peterson Teixeira’s war against TIM Telecom at CEO WARS: TIM, Peterson Teixeira’s war against Hosting Provider Locaweb at CEO WARS: Locaweb, and of course, CEO WARS: Google and CEO WARS: Facebook.
Peterson Teixeira Company emails and international calls getting blocked/routed:If you have been trying to reach Peterson Teixeira Company’s Founder & CEO, Peterson Teixeira, please be aware that criminals have been sabotaging his international phone calls and email flow, in order to sabotage PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM’s cashflow along with Peterson Teixeira’s credibility in the Global Marketplace due to fear of Peterson Teixeira Company’s real working solutions in a broken digital marketplace. This has been happening at least since 2017, but only after publishing The Global Financial Crisis Manifesto — A Warning by A Genius Consultant and having it going viral that Peterson got aware that criminals have been sabotaging his communication channels. Peterson Teixeira has been implementing and executing many counter-measures in response, both on PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM as on Government Agencies, to reinforce that criminal behavior against Peterson Teixeira Company is of no use, since what has been truly happening is the obvious revelation of a major criminal network, who have been operating as fake government authorities but using their credentials to operate outside of the law, partnering with Big Tech to block businesses and entrepreneurs who are bringing working solutions to a broken marketplace. Because this criminal organization is afraid of losing their stolen money to honest working men and women, they have been sabotaging real entrepreneurs in order to make them look unsuccessful to the world. However, things are not going according to the plan.
The Criminal Behavior that has been Sabotaging PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM recently:Since 2017, when the Founder & CEO at Peterson Teixeira Company, Peterson Teixeira, started noticing that The Duopoly — Google and Facebook — have been sabotaging businesses worldwide, Peterson decided to create The Market Mastery section to reinforce must-read business/marketing content for the global business community, risking getting many Copyright Lawsuits from all major News Brands like The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and many other News outlets in the world. However, after doing so much work no emails nor phone calls were received. Peterson then created new sections such as Market News, Power Comments, Behavior Patterns, among other website areas, in order to stand out even more in the Global Marketplace. However, still no phone calls or emails. Zero. Thinking there was something else he still needed to do from a business/marketing perspective, and knowing how overly competitive the Digital Market is, he started thinking about new innovative ideas. Then, finally, in February 2019, the idea came. And Peterson decided to gather all his business-related knowledge and bring his marketing and business solutions to the global business community and publish it to the world, for free, resulting in The Global Financial Crisis Manifesto, A Warning by A Genius Consultant, published on April 21th, 2019 on this very website: PETERSONTEIXEIRA.COM. However, after publishing it, Peterson STILL got no emails or phone calls about partnerships, lawsuits, or potential customers. Zero. However, he got his phone, laptop and router all heavily attacked by cybercriminals. A few months later he found out that some of his profiles like the one on GIPHY went viral, making no sense for zero emails and phone calls after publishing so much relevant business-related work. As of today, Peterson Teixeira is 100% sure that the website is under heavy sabotage by unknown criminals, both from Big Tech and Governments, who have been blocking international phone calls and emails in order to BLOCK Peterson Teixeira’s customer flow and therefore, Peterson Teixeira Company’s cashflow.