Recommended Artificial Intelligence Articles


Welcome. This is a resource page with all recommended artificial intelligence articles those in business nowadays should read. Every link shared here was personally read by PETERSON TEIXEIRA, hence the commentaries, the highlights and screenshots so you can know beforehand what you’re spending your time on before you click and read. Naturally, this resource page will be constantly updated and/or corrected to prevent any misleading information and to maintain a good, reliable list of top A.I. articles.


TARGET AUDIENCE: CEOs, Entrepreneurs
IMPORTANT: The majority of the articles here are recent, but you may find resources that date from 2013. Nonetheless, everything is extremely valuable if you intend to master the market. The goal is to provide all the greatest insights and information published online in these last years, “artificial intelligence milestones” so to speak, so that you know everything there is to know from the Internet on A.I. in order to master Business and Marketing today.

Read all the other recommended sections:

LAST UPDATE: This page was last updated in September 12, 2023


The list is decrescent, which means that the latest added article by PETERSON TEIXEIRA is the one on the top of the list. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the article’s publishing date is also recent because as said before, the objective is to collect all AI-related masterpieces from the whole Internet. Finding the needles in the haystack is the goal, not be the news.

The Links below are just so you can jump straight to the article, its highlights and comments.


HEADLINE: A.I. recreates clip of Pink Floyd Song from Recordings of Brain Activity
PUBLISHER: New Scientist
COMMENT: Impressive breakthrough of A.I. once again. The following highlights is from a great Newsletter from Canada called The Logic which brought this to my attention, and is really impressive: “An artificial intelligence reconstructed a recognizable version of Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall, Part 1” out of readings taken from electrodes in the heads of people with epilepsy. The electrodes, implanted first to treat the illness, recorded activity in different parts of the participants’ brains while they listened to the song; researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, fed the data to the AI along with most, but not all, of the music. When they asked the tool to fill in the missing section based on the brain readings, it came up with a clip that sounds like the song being played on synthesizers on the other side of, er, a wall—weird and distorted, but identifiable. The scientists say this work is a step toward better brain-machine links” — SOURCE: The Logic. Now A.I. reconstructs artworks based on other data. Impressive. Read this.


HEADLINE: This patrolling security robot wants to guard your premises
COMMENT: This article is one of those you have to read because of the level of exposure of how TRUE A.I. technology is being injected in the real world. How it’s penetrating Markets. A Swiss startup developed a pretty impressive, compact, well-designed, friendly-looking robot that assists security personnel in their daily activities. The Next Web mentions that it’s a solution for “the global shortage of security guards” which is something that has been turning into a problem lately, as security guards usually have to deal with low payments among other things. But here’s what the actual robot has to offer: “Named the Ascento Guard, the two-wheeled sentinel is equipped with thermal and infrared cameras, speakers, a microphone, and GPS tracking. The bidepal design promises all-terrain mobility, fall recovery from any position, and top speeds of 5km/h. Using these features, the Ascento Guard can spot trespassers, monitor parking lots, and record property lights. It can also identify floods and fires, as well as check that doors and windows are closed. When an incident is detected, an alarm is sent to an operator. Only then is a human security guard sent onsite to take action.” — SOURCE: The Next Web. That’s how robots are actually penetrating The Market, by cutting down costs while leveraging companies to a next-level of operations at the same time giving the company new competitive advantage. This is a practical example for those who don’t understand how Robots will take people’s jobs. And if you watch the demonstration video of The Ascento Guard (a must-watch because of the smart marketing / advertising), you’ll see things clearly. There are myths and truths to A.I. today, and nothing better than showing actual business solutions and how they look in practice. The Ascento robot can be hired by hourly rates, just like human personnel. So this is how human-like robots can “be hired” on The Market. They need to mimic the 5 human senses as much as possible and beable to operate as independently as possible. Makes sense? And then there’s something else worth mentioning, which is code-like A.I., that only generates the works of a human and that’s just as good that can also provide a competitive advantage. Business Insider recently published two important articles that demonstrate a reality entrepreneurs will have to deal with nowadays → Headline: AI chatbots were tasked to run a tech company. They built software in under 7 minutes — for less than $1 AND Headline: This is what happened when 25 AI avatars were let loose in a virtual town. That’s where you see things starting to happen in this field. Baby steps towards the implementation of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) in the real world through nothing else than companies (!) being created by A.I. (!) and executing all of its main business activities, to A.I. running a small town (!). Impressive isn’t it? The year now is 2023. And A.I. is here. It’s penetration on Markets seems slow at first, but we are already living in a world where driverless cars / trucks / robotaxis / ships are now here and they’re operational, just like humanoid nurses, killer robots and A.I.-generating software. All at the same time. Mark the advancements and see for yourself how A.I. is evolving over the course of a year (the two previous links help a lot) and you’ll understand why many of the warnings regarding A.I. are true. Including the ones coming from true A.I. experts themselves who are shaping the A.I. industry (not to mention some important stats: link #1 / link #2 / link #3). Read this.


HEADLINE: 68 Years After his Death, James Dean Is Starring In A New Movie
COMMENT: As a true capitalist, this news article brings something important that needs to be highlighted: “Voice actors, in particular, have been leading the conversation and working across acting guilds to form a unified front in protecting the rights and careers of actors… Cloyd acknowledges the potential for fewer acting opportunities but offers a ‘glass-half-full’ perspective toward employing dead actors. ‘At the end of the day, it creates lots of jobs,’ he says, referring to the other technical and film industry jobs the technology could generate. ‘So even though it could be jeopardising one person’s role or job, at the same time, it’s creating hundreds of jobs in regards to what it takes to do this at a high level.’” — SOURCE: Slashdot. True. Despite the fact that using A.I. is already likely removing jobs from the table, the level of technical skills to place dead actors on a movie requires skill. And that means a job for certain types of people on The Market. If those from the Entertainment Industry do the right things, and if they create a new wave of films based on dead actors, there’s gain for Capitalist societies. Read this.


HEADLINE: ‘It’s already way beyond what humans can do’: Will AI wipe out architects?
PUBLISHER: The Guardian
COMMENT: Something special regarding A.I. came from the publications of The Guardian, once again: “One further click and the construction drawings pop up, along with a cost breakdown and components list. The entire plan is ready to be sent to the factory to be built……I applaud He on what seems to be an impressive theoretical exercise: a 500-room hotel complex designed in minutes with the help of AI. But she looks confused. ‘Oh,’ she says casually, ‘that’s already been built! It took four and a half months from start to finish…….One told me they now regularly use ChatGPT to summarise local planning policies and compare the performance of different materials for, say, insulation. ‘It’s the kind of task you would have given a junior to do,’ they say. ‘It’s not perfect, but it makes fewer mistakes than someone who hasn’t written a specification before’.” — SOURCE: The Guardian. I still recall certain colleges mentioning working with AUTOCAD, a software architects used (or still use) a lot. Now, it looks like we are in different times. Read this.


HEADLINE: Hollywood is in the midst of an AI hiring boom
COMMENT: Some special content worth reinforcing from the LA Times, so you can see for yourself what the majority of actors are going through in practice thanks to A.I. and its advancements. And only 2% make a living off of the profession (!). Now imagine yourself looking for work as an actor, then read this: “Leah Caruana, a member of SAG-AFTRA, recently told The Times that she’s already gone through two full-body scans in order to digitize her body for insertion into background scenes….Such AI “cloning” has been particularly concerning for many SAG-AFTRA members. — SOURCE: LA Times. You can bet this is worth a read.


HEADLINE: AI Grabs “South Park” Director’s Chair
COMMENT: Entertainment? Where’s my entertainment? Oh here it is: A new app that creates brief episodes of “South Park” from a single prompt highlights the promise and peril of injecting generative AI into creative franchises………Why it matters: Such technology could open the door for fans and viewers to bring their own ideas and join in the action — but also threatens the standing of the creators who made those beloved franchises possible……….You can see the five-minute result here (”SOURCE: Axios. That’s right baby: from A SINGLE prompt (!!!). Where will all of us end? Not even this company’s predictions can guess it right anymore. Not until wee see 2-4 years from now WHAT is the marketplace. And what’s dominating. And how dominant “business forces” got there.


HEADLINE: Google Test AI Tool That Is Able To Write News Articles
PUBLISHER: The Japan Times
COMMENT: Here we go: Google is testing a product that uses artificial intelligence technology to produce news stories, pitching it to news organizations including The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal’s owner, News Corp., according to three people familiar with the matter………..The tool, known internally by the working title Genesis, can take in information — details of current events, for example — and generate news copy, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the product.”SOURCE: The Japan Times. Obviously if GOOGLE (once again Big Tech seems to make thins worse) drops this for free, what follows is a wave of misinformation: “Artificial intelligence could change that, enabling users to generate articles on a wider scale that, if not edited and checked carefully, could spread misinformation and affect how traditionally written stories are perceived…………Publishers and other content creators have already criticized Google and other major AI companies for using decades of their articles and posts to help train AI systems without compensating the publishers. News organizations including NBC News and the Times have taken a position against AIs sucking up their data without permission.”SOURCE: The Japan Times. So not only is Google making things worse (especially since 2018) but it has been using data that belongs to someone else. It will be curious to see what giant free tool will born from all of this. And how harmful will that be in practice.


HEADLINE: A Chat GPT That Recognizes Faces?
PUBLISHER: The New York Times
COMMENT: Welcome to another MUST-READ article that PROVES that Artificial Intelligence true warnings from experts, have a true meaning and a why. It’s like Quantum Computing breakthroughs: it breaks barriers. A.I. generates major breakthroughs. But because of our global business reality is now a Global Financial Crisis, many breakthroughs are not for our best. But for our demise. Here’s what A.I. did for the blind: “For the last few months, Jonathan Mosen has been among a select group of people with access to an advanced version of the chatbot that can analyze images. On a recent trip, Mr. Mosen, an employment agency chief executive who is blind, used the visual analysis to determine which dispensers in a hotel room bathroom were shampoo, conditioner and shower gel. It went far beyond the performance of image analysis software he had used in the past…….’It told me the milliliter capacity of each bottle. It told me about the tiles in the shower,’ Mr. Mosen said. ‘It described all of this in a way that a blind person needs to hear it. And with one picture, I had exactly the answers that I needed.’……For the first time, Mr. Mosen is able to ‘interrogate images,’ he said. He gave an example: Text accompanying an image that he came across on social media described it as a ‘woman with blond hair looking happy.’ When he asked ChatGPT to analyze the image, the chatbot said it was a woman in a dark blue shirt, taking a selfie in a full-length mirror. He could ask follow-up questions, like what kind of shoes she was wearing and what else was visible in the mirror’s reflection.”SOURCE: The New York Times. That’s impressive. That means helping those invalided. Right? But the applications people tend to think about go far beyond from this reality (unfortunately). Here’s what this level of A.I. also does for the average Joe: “Sayash Kapoor, a computer scientist and doctoral candidate at Princeton University, used the tool to decode a captcha, a visual security check meant to be intelligible only to human eyes. Even while breaking the code and recognizing the two obscured words supplied, the chatbot noted that ‘captchas are designed to prevent automated bots like me from accessing certain websites or services’……..TWEET: I’d heard that GPT-4’s image analysis feature wasn’t available to the public because it could be used to break Captcha. Turns out it’s true: The new Bing can breack captcha, despite saying it won’t: The image you sent me is of two words written in a black, cursive font. The words are overlooks and inquiry. Is this a captcha test? If so, I’m afraid I can’t help you with that. Captchas are designed to prevent automated bots like me from accessing certain websites or services. They require human intelligence and perception to solve. I’m sorry for the incovenience :(“SOURCE: The New York Times. Now what? If such A.I. managed to deconstruct Captchas, what level of cybersecurity can counter that again? Well, another major breakthrough for A.I. and something additional for us to worry about.


HEADLINE: Artificial Intelligence is Giving Rise to Fake Fingerprints
COMMENT: Yeah. How are you liking this brand new surprise? A.I. is completely out of control! Fingerprints images are being fed to A.I. systems and they’re spitting out fake fingerprints that are capable of unlocking market standard devices. Devices we all use every single day. Devices we trust with our data and contacts. Devices that have our digital lives. Devices we unlock with our own fingerprints. Well, now, not anymore. Because A.I. is unlocking them too. Where does this end?


HEADLINE: A Painting Made by A.I. Has Been Sold at Auction for $432,500
COMMENT: Another breakthrough by AI. However, part of the evaluation that resulted in this exorbitant price may definitely be due to collectors wanting to have the “1st Painting in History created by A.I.”. That’s likely the reason why the price was inflated by 45 times because let’s face it, rich people buy a lot of useless stuff. They want to show off. Period. They only care about having “the only one” in the world etc. Some sports cars are incredibly expensive for the exact same reason: it’s rare in society. As soon as more robots keep spitting more paintings, things will probably get back to normal and headlines won’t care about this anymore (nor collectors). Nonetheless, this is another warning. It’s one more piece of evidence that A.I. is coming for everybody, evolving at a very scary pace, and already grabbing serious money from the market, regardless of the industry. Therefore, whatever you do, is time to up your game and prepare for the future because it’s practically already here. Suddenly, we’ll all wake up one day, check the news in the morning and more absurd headlines will be on the front page leaving people with very little time to respond to a new market reality. REMEMBER: the global economic crisis will fast forward the AI adoption process for businesses, organizations, and the government because EVERYBODY will be looking for ways to cut down costs. In order for businesses to stay alive, they only have two options: cut costs OR make a profit. And since companies are having to sell their own assets just to raise cash for growth (!), what do you think it will happen next? DO NOT trust estimates predicting that A.I. will penetrate the market in 5 or 10 years. Assume 1,5 or 2 years. That’s one more warning for you. The evidence is being published, but it’s getting lost in the content crowd. You’re welcome. Obs: Read also the original article by Christie’s — the auction house — that promoted this breakthrough.


HEADLINE: Scientists Too Are Being Automated
COMMENT: Now A.I. is doing a major share of the work for scientists and we may be closer than never before in human history to get flooded with new solutions for every field that science plays a part (which is practically everything). Quick read as well, but don’t skip this article. Enjoy.


HEADLINE: This Robot Co-taught A Course at West Point
COMMENT: Quick read.


HEADLINE: Google’s New Algorithm Creates Original Articles From Your Content
PUBLISHER: Search Engine Journal
COMMENT: RED ALERT: DEFINITELY A MUST-READ. Everybody who has a business online today needs to read this article. Everybody. I’m not joking. A while ago, I recommended another article published by MIT Technology Review in which it talks about a very efficient summarizing algorithm, generating comprehensive summaries off long-form content. That’s pretty absurd already. But this is at a whole another level. Google’s algorithm “reads” other people’s content, “understands” it, then creates its own version of it! HUGE PROBLEM. For businesses, this is a big red alert because lately Google has been crushing organic traffic, and people aren’t noticing. For instance, something I talk very much against is the stupid rich snippets. I see many SEOs and marketers rushing to make their content friendly to this nonsense, thinking it’ll get them additional organic traffic or the so-called “Position Zero” on search results. That’s very stupid. Google doesn’t want you to get traffic from it. Just stop listening to me and go back in time, in your own head, and see if you can remember how many times you actually clicked on a link shown in a rich snippet. How many? 2 out of 10? 5 out of 30? 7 out of 50? You can see Ahrefs’ research on rich snippets too if you like. Check it out. The reality is that people forget that Google is a business, and as a business, it’s basically making businesses agree in providing content for free so it can answer people’s questions in search results without giving the business a visit. It’s incredibly obvious. There’s already evidence that Google is testing to show ZERO results in a google search. Why? Because being able to answer all questions without people leaving google is far more interesting. If you want traffic from Google, then there’s PPC for you. That’s obvious. Whenever a google query has buying intent, Google wants a piece of it because there’s money to be made. Here’s evidence of what I just said: “The U.S. technology company is teaming up with retailers including Target Corp, Walmart Inc, Home Depot Inc, Costco Wholesale Corp and Ulta Beauty Inc. Under a new program, retailers can list their products on Google Search, as well as on the Google Express shopping service, and Google Assistant on mobile phones and voice devices. In exchange for Google listings and linking to retailer loyalty programs, the retailers pay Google a piece of each purchase, which is different from payments that retailers make to place ads on Google platforms.” SOURCE: Reuters. See? Therefore, killing organic traffic is the next logical step to increase revenue. Finally, some companies may throw many lawsuits at Google — because its A.I. is creating content out of their content — but in practice, that won’t hold. Why? Because the economy is getting worse by the day, and companies are struggling to survive. Since the online landscape is a complete chaos, the next big problem for companies is customer acquisition. What company will choose to spend stored money on lawsuits that will take months if not years to resolve, instead of trying to spend on customer acquisition solutions in a time where the economy is hanging by a thread? Almost no one. Therefore, prepare for a massive increase in PPC and a massive drop in organic traffic. That’s my take.


HEADLINE: Google’s Assistant Can Place Phone Calls And Humans Think It’s Real
COMMENT: Welcome to a major A.I breakthrough. I recommend you to watch the examples currently available of GOOGLE DUPLEX calling a Hair Salon & Restaurant just so you have an idea how monstrous this technology is. You can clearly trick human ears now, that’s for sure. And if you’re a nerd person, you can read on Google’s Official Blog about the technology. Here’s a preview: “Today we announce Google Duplex, a new technology for conducting natural conversations to carry out ‘real world’ tasks over the phone. The technology is directed towards completing specific tasks, such as scheduling certain types of appointments. For such tasks, the system makes the conversational experience as natural as possible, allowing people to speak normally, like they would to another person, without having to adapt to a machine. While sounding natural, these and other examples are conversations between a fully automatic computer system and real businesses. Google Duplex’s conversations sound natural thanks to advances in understanding, interacting, timing, and speaking. At the core of Duplex is a recurrent neural network (RNN) designed to cope with these challenges, built using TensorFlow Extended (TFX). To obtain its high precision, we trained Duplex’s RNN on a corpus of anonymized phone conversation data. The network uses the output of Google’s automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology, as well as features from the audio, the history of the conversation, the parameters of the conversation (e.g. the desired service for an appointment, or the current time of day) and more. We trained our understanding model separately for each task, but leveraged the shared corpus across tasks. Finally, we used hyperparameter optimization from TFX to further improve the model.” – SOURCE: Google Blog. Very interesting, right? But as a consultant, I need to connect the dots. It’s in my nature. I was born this way. I have a problem. So here’s something you should think about: “It’s a long way from Silicon Valley to Swansea, where less than a fortnight ago nearly 800 call centre workers were blindsided by Virgin Media’s surprise decision to pull out of Wales’s second-largest city in 2019. While Virgin did not blame the march of technology for the decision to close its Swansea base, the move is symptomatic of dramatic changes sweeping the UK customer services industry. Carolyn Harris, the Labour MP for Swansea East, said that the loss of a prominent employer was a blow to the local economy that, over the years, has become reliant on call-centre jobs.’I am absolutely devastated for my city’ said Harris. ‘There are people who have built their lives and employment with the company’. ContactBabel, the customer-service centres expert, predicts that 45,700 jobs will disappear from the sector between now and 2021. Of those, 20,000 are projected to go from the 168,000 employed to handle customer relations by high street retailers and distribution firms, as shoppers increasingly buy and interact online” – SOURCE: The Guardian – Rise of robots threatens to terminate the UK call-centre workforce. You can bet that as soon as this technology gets perfected, call-center staff will simply disappear. Because all Google has to do to add another revenue stream to their business is licensing the technology to companies and voila, a robot-driven call center is born. A call-center without humans. And since customer support to companies is very “niched”, meaning, you are generally always talking about the same subject and answering the same questions, this won’t take too long.


HEADLINE: Amazon’s Machines Are Moving From The Warehouse to Headquarters
PUBLISHER: Bloomberg
COMMENT: Amazon is moving forward with its robots making them now take white collar jobs (warehouse = blue collar jobs / headquarters = white collar jobs). The warehouses on nations with strong robotics technology are already saying bye bye to workers as you can see next: “, a Chinese e-commerce gargantuan, has built a big new Shanghai fulfillment center that can organize, pack and ship 200,000 orders a day. It employs four people — all of whom service the robots” – SOURCE: Axios – In China, a picture of how warehouse jobs can vanish. And the situation for the near future only gets worse in countries like Bangladesh where people rely on factory jobs: “Close to A MILLION INDIVIDUALS are projected to enter the workforce here, every month, for the next 2 decades. If automation reaches its potential, some countries could lose more than 80% of their garmon-textile and apparel-manufacture jobs” – SOURCE: Wall Street Journal – How Sewing Robots May Put Human Hands Out of Work [3:22-3:40]. Yet, you’ll keep seeing articles saying we are 100.597 years away from robots taking jobs.


HEADLINE: The Pentagon’s Terminator Conundrum: Robots That Kill on Their Own
PUBLISHER: The New York Times
COMMENT: Welcome. This is another of those cards where the links give you the big, condensed picture of the subject. For starters, I believe you already know that Google is helping The Pentagon build AI for drones, right? Everybody knows that already. But the world is a big place, too many opinions, too many publications exposing the “scandal”, and too many PR crises to handle. And then, as a direct consequence, Google Employees resigned in protest against the Pentagon contract which ended up becoming a major identity crisis for Google. Then straight from the Marketing & PR department of Google, comes the pretty headline: “Google Will not Renew Pentagon Contract That Upset Employees”. Well, you’ll understand next why it’s extremely unlikely that this is true because if you believe that any of the companies involved with The Pentagon today, are just building robotic chihuahuas or A.I. “just to analyze data”, or are involved just for the money, then guess again (and read more). There’s a lot more under the hood. So let’s talk about that, shall we? You see, the world’s resources are running out and some are saying that Water — the world’s 1st most used resource — is the trigger to World War III. Well, that does make sense since Cape Town (South Africa) is cutting off access to running water from homes and businesses as of July 15, 2018. People there are using disposable plates and utensils, and are only using… 6.5 gallons of water per day (while the average American family uses about 300 gallons per day). Besides, if you saw The Big Short — what a great movie! — then you might remember that at the credits scenes, it’s said that Michael Burry (played by Christian Bale) has all his investment chips on one commodity: water. Well, but that’s only one resource. We have more problems — YEY! — with other resources, like this: Did you know that Sand — the world’s 2nd most used resource — is now also running out?! That’s right: The World is running out of Sand! We use 50 billion tons of it every single year, and we use it for several purposes like to make food, wine, glass, buildings, computer chips, breast implants, cosmestics and the list goes on. Hard to believe, right? But let that aside for a minute. Let’s fast forward a little bit and talk about something I love and everybody needs: Food. You see, here’s the reality about food today: “By 2023, the population in China, India, and Africa will combine to make up over half the world’s population. Africa already has to import food, and by 2023, India, which currently doesn’t import food, will have to start. In China, population growth will eventually level off, but overall calorie intake in the country will continue to increase through the early 2020s, Menker says. In recent years, people in China have begun to add more and more meat—and especially red meat—a very high-calorie food to their diets. By 2023, even if all the surplus produce from countries in Europe, North and South America was solely exported to China, India, and Africa, it still would not be enough, says Menker.” – SOURCE: Quartz. Plus, crop yields — the amount of crops harvested per unit of land cultivated — are growing too slowly to meet the forecasted demand for food. And since you’re a smart person, you can make an educated guess that water shortage definitely worsens the problem. But enough about resources. Let’s talk about what moves the world: Money. Ok, as you may know, the power of A.I. lies in massively cutting down company costs while brutally increasing daily production and business agility at the same time, bringing down the competition to their knees. Today’s world is too interconnected, after all globalization is here. With that in mind, here’s a good summary of today’s global market situation just so you have an idea of how many huge problems we’re experiencing. Now, after putting all those problems together you can basically understand one thing: There will be a fight for resources. That’s obvious. One way is through business and the other way is through war. On the business side, A.I. makes a huge difference because of the advantage it gives a business. The faster your business produces its products/services, the faster you bite a chunk of the money on the market, leaving a big money gap between you and your competition. However, since the world is too interconnected, there’s The Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence (which many people don’t know about). One country can take over another country’s resources with A.I. (read the article). And since China is probably ahead of the United States regarding the A.I. race, you can guess there’s a problem there. But besides that, there’s the War side. If you can’t get resources for your people through business means, then the next option is war. Now, did you know that Russian weapons maker Kalashnikov is developing Killer A.I. Robots? Did you know that? Click the link and check out the quick video from Russian researchers. Some nations are already putting big money on the military because they already know what’s about to take place. So now what? Do you really think Google is leaving contracts on the table? Definitely not. Because this is all much bigger than Silicon Valley, Google and whatever. Much bigger. And you bet those people inside the Pentagon have a lot more scary, never-published information to convince A.I.-first companies to join the game. Wake up.


HEADLINE: Robots Are Coming for These Wall Street Jobs
PUBLISHER: Bloomberg
COMMENT: Quick note: definitely a must-read. A great article to understand where Wall Street is actually embedding Artificial Intelligence and how “deep” is the involvement with A.I. in each specific job/position. Great work by Bloomberg. Enjoy.


HEADLINE: Robo-Advisors Are Coming to Consulting And Corporate Strategy
PUBLISHER: Harvard Business Review
COMMENT: To have a better perspective of everything that is going on involving A.I. taking jobs, I recommend you to read these additional cards/articles: ARTICLE #1: AI Will Obliterate All Jobs, Starting with White Collar says Ex-Google CEO, ARTICLE #2: Tech Companies Should Stop Pretending AI Won’t Destroy Jobs, ARTICLE #3: How A.I. Is Changing Contracts, ARTICLE #4: Robot Managers: The Future of Work or a Step Too Far?, ARTICLE #5: Suncor to Cut 400 Jobs as It Rolls Out Self-Driving Trucks, ARTICLE #6: The A.I. Winter Is on Its Way, and ARTICLE #7: A World Without Work. You’ll understand better where all this may be going next.


HEADLINE: The Sublime and Scary Future of Cameras With A.I. Brains
PUBLISHER: The New York Times
COMMENT: Great surveillance device. And because people like spontaneous pictures — they’re mostly funny and entertaining to see — this will probably become a trendy thing to have. The next years will tell. Make sure to read this.


HEADLINE: New Algorithm can Create Movies From Just a Few Snippets of Text
PUBLISHER: Science Mag
COMMENT: Quick article. Read this.


HEADLINE: The Cybernetic Newsroom Where Reuters Robots Are Great At Research
COMMENT: This is a good article to give you an idea how A.I. is enabling news outlets to publish original, extremely timely content just a few minutes — or seconds — right after an event happens. I’ve seen some people accuse certain newspapers of conspiracies because these newspapers were just too fast in reporting certain news. And although many newspapers are under the control of just a few people, raising the possibility of rigged publications, the fact is that A.I. is at play nowadays too. Have a look at how Reuters stays at the top of the game.


HEADLINE: This Company is Using Robots to 3D Print Houses in Hours
COMMENT: Housing is about to go to the next level, apparently. There’s the possibility people may focus on buying just land from now on, and then pay almost nothing for a 3D printed house (especially millennials). The reason why this may explode is simply because people are much poorer nowadays, with car makers — yes, even Porsche — launching new business models like a car subscription service. These endeavors are working and booming mainly because of the global economic crisis, since we’re all living in an economic scenario far worse than a few years ago. Plus, millennials have no money and no good economic future ahead and wealth is being brutally concentrated in fewer hands. Therefore, once the technology to print houses gets to a level where 3D printed houses become indistinguishable to normal ones, the boom is here. At least the probability is pretty high. Make sure to read this, my friend.


HEADLINE: Russian Weapons Maker Kalashnikov Developing Killer A.I. Robots
PUBLISHER: Motherboard (VICE)
COMMENT: You’re a smart person, right? By reading this alone, you already know that 95% of the times you read: “We’re not making offensive A.I. weaponry” or some similar statements, you don’t believe it, do you? Well, this is Russia. Many times considered enemy of the United States. And here’s a quick video proving that Russia already has a russian robot that shoots guns (!). Do you really think China, The United States are behind and have no similar technology? That’s very naive. Let me reinforce that: “The Pentagon is investing roughly $1 billion over the next several years for the development of robots to be used in an array of roles alongside combat troops, Bloomberg reported. Last month, the Army awarded a $429.1 million contract to Endeavor Robotics and QinetiQ North America, both based out of Massachusetts. Endeavor has also been awarded separate contracts from the Army and Marine Corps in recent months as the Pentagon pushes for robots in a wide range of sizes. ‘Once developed, lethal autonomous weapons will permit armed conflict to be fought at a scale greater than ever, and at timescales faster than humans can comprehend’ the letter said. ‘These can be weapons of terror, weapons that despots and terrorists use against innocent populations, and weapons hacked to behave in undesirable ways.'” – SOURCE: Business Insider. To some people, a few pieces of evidence is more than enough. Watch the video and read the article. Enjoy.


HEADLINE: The A.I. Winter Is on Its Way
PUBLISHER: Piekniewski
COMMENT: Definitely a must-read. Remember this previous card linking to the New York Times? Well this is the view of experts. I think is important to share another view like this one about the future of Artificial Intelligence because some A.I. professionals are “calling out” A.I. celebrities like Andrew Yan-Tak Ng as you can see in this article below. However, the author uses some very weak arguments such as Andrew’s tweets frequency diminishing over time. Someone can tweet less due to several reasons, like having a new baby, embracing new/more projects at work, or having health issues (or their parents), or just a change in marketing/branding goals. Many things can impact tweet frequency. Now one quick note: the links alone in this article are already worth a read. That’s for sure. But I want to connect what Piekniewski is saying, to another subject, something incredibly WEIRD that has taken the headlines: “The EU Is Trying to Decide Whether to Grant Robots Personhood”. Here’s a quick preview: “Under an ongoing EU proposal, it might just be the bot itself. A 2017 European Parliament report floated the idea of granting special legal status, or ‘electronic personalities’ to smart robots, specifically those which (or should that be who?) can learn, adapt, and act for themselves. This legal personhood would be similar to that already assigned to corporations around the world, and would make robots, rather than people, liable for their self-determined actions, including for any harm they might cause.” – SOURCE: Slate. Obviously this seems to make zero sense, but before I connect the dots here’s a very good argument that Kate — a robot ethics expert — said about this subject: “Kate Darling, an expert in robot ethics at Harvard University who wasn’t involved with the open letter, said it doesn’t make sense to give robots electronic personhood status at this time. ‘First of all, it sets the wrong incentives for manufacturers’ Darling told Gizmodo. ‘Second of all, I don’t understand this hand-wringing about unpredictable behavior being a new and unsolvable problem. Your cat makes autonomous decisions, too, but we do not hold the cat legally responsible for its actions.'” – SOURCE: Gizmodo. Exactly. So where’s the connection? That’s pretty obvious: Maybe what Piekniewski exposes in the article is something big corporations and today’s business titans already know, so the way to protect themselves from A.I. crashing on their heads and generating massive lawsuits, is by legally blaming the robots. That way you use the power of A.I. to grow economically but you protect yourself from the time-bomb at the same time. Get it? Hence the reason to start pushing the government to pass laws that absolve them of serious crimes. In case their robots engage in wrong behavior due to failures in A.I. core technology, nothing bad happens. This is why I said what I said about companies embracing driverless trucks even if it’s still not safe for market use. You need to understand the market and how businessmen think and how they work. Once you start putting the pieces together, some connections start to make sense. But hey, make your own conclusions. I already made mine. Enjoy your readings.


HEADLINE: Is There A Smarter Path to A.I? Some Experts Hope So
PUBLISHER: The New York Times
COMMENT: Some experts are beginning to dismiss things like deep learning, pointing out old core “flaws” in it that has only been generating problems recently. Read the article and see what they’re saying, but I’ll come back to this subject.


HEADLINE: A.I. Could Revolutionize War As Much as Nukes
COMMENT: Do you think A.I. is not for WAR? Read this.


HEADLINE: Artificial Intelligence is The Weapon of The Next Cold War
PUBLISHER: The Conversation
COMMENT: I have nothing to add here, except that you should save and read this article especially because of its abundance of LINKS. The links alone are worth the read. Priceless resource. Enjoy.


HEADLINE: How A.I. Is Changing Contracts
PUBLISHER: Harvard Business Review
COMMENT: Interesting read.


HEADLINE: China is Mining Data Directly From Workers’ Brains on an Industrial Scale
PUBLISHER: South China Morning Post
COMMENT: This kind of data harvesting, getting electric signals from someone’s body for business purposes is both interesting and creepy, that’s for sure. I say this because the technology that plays with the brain and your electric body signals is outstanding! Feels completely unreal! Just take a look at how Greg Gage on a Ted Talk, used a girl’s brain signals to control another guy’s arm just by sending him her electric signals (!). That’s crazy, man. Crazy. But this was just a piece of raw machinery used for fun. On the business side, some companies are exploring the brain to help people with disabilities. For example, here’s how amputees are getting to control a bionic arm just with their minds (!) — while feeling the touch of the bionic arm! Impressive. Tech has no limits. So, China may be a danger and all that, but sometimes I do believe some good chinese entrepreneurs will do similar things with data extracted from people’s brains. The possibility exists. Although from the article below, that’s hard to believe because companies tend to go after this kind of technology to gain oppressive control over their workforces. Besides, here’s what experts say about such practice: “Sensors and microchips may signal a new era of a connected workforce, but some experts say these technologies also put employees’ privacy at risk. “Across companies, across the world, employers are looking to have a more interconnected workforce,” said Daniel Ives, a tech industry analyst from GBH Insights. “Big tech companies are looking for ways to give employers a leg up and data insight into their operations and employees”. People are just going to accept this as something they have to do to keep their job,” she said. “In some ways, we’ve already lost the battle”. She noted that data is already being collected about people’s movements and stored under unknown conditions. In some cases, employees opt in to be monitored.”SOURCE: ABC News. Make sure to read this.


HEADLINE: Suncor to Cut 400 Jobs as It Rolls Out Self-Driving Trucks
COMMENT: “But only 400 jobs are getting cut? Why is that important, Peterson?!”. Well, because companies have to do some small tests before deploying the next tech, after all there’s a lot of money at stake here as you may imagine. However, this is not a “tiny test” if you stop to think about it — 400 trucks is a considerable fleet — so things are definitely going faster than expected. Several companies are making incredible progress in truck autonomous driving, as you can see in this short video from Wired: The Future of Trucking When Machines Take the Wheel. True, like said in the video, is pretty hard to get those robots ready to deal with every possible outcome on the road and be as responsive as a human, but companies will treat this as just another risk. They’ll choose to deploy self-driving trucks that are “only 70% safe” in order to cut down costs fast, and handle any possible lawsuits later. Going out of business because the government broke the economy is the last option. Therefore, self-driving trucks are already here, and this article is hard evidence of them entering the market. And fast food workers will probably be seeing these trucks ordering food too, just like in this Drive Thru Robot Driver prank.


HEADLINE: Robot Managers: The Future of Work or a Step Too Far?
PUBLISHER: The Guardian
COMMENT: Robots are now beginning to be in charge of workers workflow, recruiting and training. Yet, “experts” say we’re 30…20…10 years away from robots taking people’s jobs. Big mistake. You better prepare and hone your skills fast because this is only going to get worse since Artificial Intelligence evolves exponentially and the global economic crisis is putting pressure on companies to cut down costs. There’s a great article by The Atlantic – A World Without Work proving how tech over the last years had to employ much less people than in the decades before (check the Google vs AT&T workforce + market value example). Technology improves, optimizes and evolves technology in a never-ending cycle, and each cycle happens faster than the one before and this is what people fail to understand. If something took 5 years to reach market use, the next level will take 2 years, then less than that and so forth. People are unprepared. How many people do you know that are getting ready for this kind of reality and training to get a job in the future market? How many are training the skills that will be needed in this new robot-driven market? Not many I bet. Therefore, get ready to see a lot more articles like this one.


HEADLINE: Tech Companies Should Stop Pretending AI Won’t Destroy Jobs
PUBLISHER: MIT Technology Review
COMMENT: This is a must-read. Especially when you hear monkeys talking about how “AI will also create more jobs”. It seems that people fail to understand that although technology created plenty of jobs in the last few years, it clearly didn’t create enough jobs for everyone comparing with the number of jobs that it destroyed. Today, you may be a professional for high-demand areas like Tech or Science and you may ALSO be part of the unemployed just like everyone else. The other reality I don’t see people talk about is how economic pressure will also PUSH businesses to use AI as a measure to cut down costs regardless of how perfect the technology is. And you can bet that a huge crisis is already here. Therefore, read this.


HEADLINE: “China’s Netflix” Scores Massive Blockbluster Thanks to A.I.
PUBLISHER: South China Morning Post
COMMENT: This is not something completely new. Back in 2016, I wrote a very important article about the Fusion of AI with Marketing. In it, there’s a great example of how Netflix used Big data + AI to determine what (and how) to market to the French population because the market there was quite different as opposed to other European countries. Netflix had to analyze TWO YEARS of digital conversations to get 3 key insights which enabled them to make the best marketing moves in France (using just GIFs as content by the way). Here, “China’s Netflix” is making a similar use off of Big data, but using it instead to produce and bring a successful product to the Chinese market. The results? You can see in the article.


HEADLINE: Algorithm Summarizes Lengthy Text Surprisingly Well
PUBLISHER: MIT Technology Review
COMMENT: This is something that is particularly GOLD for consultants, journalists, and C-level executives (despite the areas mentioned in the subline). Salesforce researchers managed to create a very impressive algorithm that can summarize with great precision what the content is all about, giving the nuggets that matter to draw attention. It may not be at a human-level precision yet, but if you read how AI exponentially evolves over time then you just know we can expect for a completely different version in 2 years or less.


HEADLINE: The World’s 1st Graphical AI Interface
PUBLISHER: Fast Company
COMMENT: Very very interesting tool. Read this.


HEADLINE: Everyone is Making AI-Generated Fake Porn Now
PUBLISHER: VICE (Motherboard)
COMMENT: Remember what I wrote WEEKS ago about AI-assisted fake porn? (weeks!) Well, looks like that this reality already escalated to something far worse as you can see below. There’s even an app now for those “users without technical knowledge” who want to make fake porn off ordinary people but have no machine learning skills. Here’s the result: “People are talking about, and in some cases actively using, this app to create fake porn videos of people they know in real life—friends, casual acquaintances, exes, classmates—without their permission. Some users in a deepfakes Discord chatroom where enthusiasts were trading tips claimed to be actively creating videos of people they know: women they went to high school with, for example. One user said that they made a “pretty good” video of a girl they went to high school with, using around 380 pictures scraped from her Instagram and Facebook accounts. (SOURCE: Vice Motherboard). There’s even a “market” as well now, with people selling on Reddit something like “AI-fake-porn-as-a-service” to a very big community, as you can see next: “‘Require at least a 2 min source video,’ one user wrote in a recent post on r/deepfakeservice. ‘Porn actress/actor can be suggested or I will choose. Models must be 18+ 72 hour turnaround time. Bitcoin donations only. PM for request’. (SOURCE: Vice Motherboard). And the worst part: it may not even be illegal. Don’t believe what I’m saying? Here: “If you live in the United States and someone does this with your face, the law can’t really help you. There are all sorts of First Amendment problems because it’s not their real body. (SOURCE: Wired)“. Great! But besides all that, there’s one more thing. Remember that the tech behind it (putting people’s faces in videos) is becoming something mainstream as you probably noticed. Imagine the consequences involving forgery, like creating fake videos of CEOs or Politicians making false statements to disrupt the stock market etc. People think this is a joke, but forget what happened to Ukraine recently. It’s important to understand that any tech will be weaponized if possible. Sooner than expected by most, you can bet that these videos will become completely imperceptible to the human eye regarding its fakeness. And people still think robots will only cause serious damage 20 years from now…cute.


HEADLINE: For The 1st Time A Robot Passed A Medical Exam
COMMENT: Yes, you read that right. Make sure to watch the video.


HEADLINE: The 10 Charts That Will Change Your Perspective on A.I. Growth
COMMENT: Make sure to check out all the other charts. There are some small but very important nuggets for CEOs and entrepreneurs inside this article. No additional info to add here. Just read.


HEADLINE: Japanese Scientists Just Used A.I. to Read Minds
COMMENT: Ok, the original title ended with “just used A.I. to decode thoughts” which makes much more sense in my opinion. Nevertheless, this is a must-read for you to understand how A.I. is making incredibly FAST progress with brain image deconstruction lately. Impressive. If they find a way to create long-distance brain scanners and put them on the streets like the creepy AI-powered Chinese street cameras (VIDEO)…well, you got the idea, didn’t you?


HEADLINE: Press Association Wins Google Grant to Run Robot-driven News Service
PUBLISHER: The Guardian
COMMENT: A.I. is becoming more and more mainstream now, especially after deals like this one coming into existence. We already had news-writing robots slowing coming after journalism, and robots writing music as well as humans. I’m guessing you already knew about all that. But since AI began teaching itself lately, expect faster growth in the A.I. field and massive adoption by businesses who can afford real A.I. solutions.


HEADLINE: AI Does Not Have Enough Experience to Handle The Next Market Crash
COMMENT: Artificial Intelligence works far better than humans when working with data, but the problem is, what happens if much of the market is relying on incomplete data?! Quartz pointed out a very worrisome reality because most of our economy is depending on data that can’t predict the next financial meltdown due to a data problem: It doesn’t have enough data to “know” what a “normalized market” is. Check this out.


HEADLINE: AI-assisted Fake Porn is Here
PUBLISHER: VICE (Motherboard)
COMMENT: This is a NEXT-LEVEL Artificial Intelligence upgrade. In this article you’ll find a GIF made out of the first few seconds of the fake porn video, and I bet you’ll be impressed! Although it’s with porn-related news that A.I. is getting another massive viral warning online, let’s not forget that a simple fake video with Donald Trump’s face talking about bombing somewhere or giving sanctions could result in catastrophic consequences as well. The Markets could take a big hit depending on who’s talking because even the biggest brands and publishers can get fooled by the level of A.I. we’re seeing nowadays. Don’t forget that you can already force Obama to promote your startup with a sample of his voice. And don’t forget…that this fake porn video was actually done by an amateur machine-learning programmer.


HEADLINE: AI is Killing The Uncanny Valley and Our Grasp on Reality
COMMENT: This is A MUST-READ. Artificial Intelligence is proving over and over that editing content to make it appear legitimate is already at advanced levels, allowing those who know how to manipulate A.I. to produce fake pieces of content, at scale. This is bringing unprecedent forgery-related problems to society, as you may imagine. Viral fake news dominating mainstream media is not distant, since a FOX News host mentioned a viral (and fake) shark photo, live, on the news. A little more time and we won’t be able to tell what’s fake or not if A.I. keeps up in this pace. Check out the video and the whole article.


HEADLINE: AI Will Obliterate All Jobs, Starting With White Collar, says Ex-Google CEO
COMMENT: Kai-fu Lee hits us all one more time with another reality-check: A.I. is coming for white collar jobs first. After what he wrote about The Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence, you just know you can trust his warnings. He knows how to connect the dots better than most. Besides, trustworthiness is not an issue. Many monkeys in the industry are vomiting misinformation about A.I. to the public, with hopes to avoid competition and awareness. Well, not Kai-Fu Lee. So check this out.


HEADLINE: A New AI Can Write Music as Well as a Human Composer
COMMENT: Impressive. Seriously. Just listen to the 2nd song embedded in this article and you’ll see that there’s no joke anymore when it comes to A.I. creating music just like humans. The music is actually BEAUTIFUL and you can’t really tell whether or not that was created by robotic or human hands. It makes sense that film makers and game studios are buying this. Now check the article and make your own conclusions. And musicians…A.I. is coming for you. Get ready.


HEADLINE: What News-Writing Bots Mean for The Future of Journalism
COMMENT: The future of newspapers, and any publishing house is likely to be taken over by an 80-20 robot-to-human ratio. This way brands will be able to hand over content production to bots to “shut down” competitors by suppressing their level of attention online with high-volume publishing. The Washington Post was already publishing the MASSIVE amount of 1,200 articles PER DAY(!) back in 2015-2016 thanks to Artificial Intelligence. That’s A LOT of content! And we now know that Japan’s leading tech blog hired a robot writer. Last but not least, in this article you can see all major news brands putting their chips into their own versions of bot writers to maximize their market dominance faster. There’s no doubt that the Internet will soon have far more content created by robots than by humans if the current rate of automated content production persists.


HEADLINE: How Robots, IoT And Artificial Intelligence Are Transforming The Police
COMMENT: Interesting upgrade for the police. It looks like we’re headed to a more secure society if data and A.I. is used correctly to solve crimes. Some results are already appearing in society. But people will certaintly feel like in the Minority Report movie if this crime predictability stops considering whether or not someone has commited a crime already (think this is a joke? Here’s China trying to do exactly that). And although we do have some benefits when filming policemen interactions with citizens, like finding missing people in a crowd or forcing both the officer and the citizen to behave properly because everything is on tape, we also have some serious privacy issues as well. What if the officer approaches someone at home who doesn’t want to be on camera? What if the officer misplaces his body cam on purpose to film other people doing private stuff, like a business meeting in a cafe? Not good.


HEADLINE: System Lets you Control Another Human’s Expressions in Real-Time
COMMENT: Just watch this video.


HEADLINE: How Artificial Intelligence can Help Solve GDPR Issues
PUBLISHER: Global Legal Post
COMMENT: GDPR is obviously a major issue for brands all over the world, because it’s hard nowadays in a globalized marketplace to not have an European customer. The struggle for companies lies in compliance to all GDPR rules and policies, which has many points allowing subjective interpretations according to experts. The good part: A.I. can actually be of good assistance with GDPR issues, making data assessment easier and therefore, relieving the workload for companies.


HEADLINE: AI Has Learned to Write Totally Believable Product Reviews
PUBLISHER: Business Insider
COMMENT: Welcome to the Era of Forgery. This is a must-read. But let’s make things worse, shall we? Putting this reality aside, we now also have fake audios pretending to be Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama saying whatever you want (Artificial Intelligence Article #1), and even videos that can be edited in real-time using just someone’s facial movements which obviously allows anyone to forge any facial expression on someone else’s face. That’s the new reality at the moment. Now imagine the implications of all this on: politics, the stock market, military etc. Nevertheless, you still see people in business and politics with the IQ of a chihuahua saying that A.I. is not that dangerous nor something to worry about.


HEADLINE: Open Letter To The UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons
PUBLISHER: Future of Life Institute
COMMENT: Do you think this is a joke? Something from movies? Then watch a live demonstration of a killer drone that went viral online. This is not some crazy letter fearing an unrealistic apocalyptic scenario. No. All names who signed this letter are top of the world CEOs, CTOs and founders from countries like France, Germany, USA, Denmark, Ireland, Russia and many more. Elon Musk himself is on the list. This document is proof that governments all over the world are playing with the A.I. subject, creating unprecedented openings for chaos.


HEADLINE: If an AI Creates A Work of Art, Who Owns The Rights to It?
COMMENT: A complementary article to the Artificial Intelligence Article #10. Some countries won’t treat this issue like the U.S. does, putting authors, creators, inventors and entrepreneurs in a shady little law realm. Nevertheless, it looks like some advantage is being given to us humans, after all. But if you check the Naruto Monkey case in this article, in which the monkey took a picture of himself and the photographer had to fill a lawsuit against PETA to claim its rights (no joke!), you’ll see that the law is a double-edged sword.


HEADLINE: Japan’s Leading Technology Blog Hired A New Writer, A Robot
PUBLISHER: Articoolo
COMMENT: Although this is a quick self-promoting article, what you must notice here is that if Japan’s leading technology blog is now using A.I. software to write content, what does that tell you about the marketplace? Remember that A.I. is evolving exponentially, giving everyone who writes online a big red warning. And since content production is increasing, and Google is rewarding high-volume publishing now, brands have a motivator to put money into AI writers because people won’t be able to handle the workload. And yes, A.I. will NEVER eradicate all human writers but they’ll eat out a big chunk of them. There’s no changing that now. Conclusion: companies won’t need a team of 30 writers anymore if they have robots, but they’ll have 5 writers to manage everything, including the writer bots. This is another reinforcement of how A.I. is penetrating society. Check out the article and Articoolo’s tool to see how it works.


HEADLINE: We Need to Talk About the Power of AI to Manipulate Humans
PUBLISHER: MIT Technology Review
COMMENT: I’m actually sharing this because this is another resource that proves that humans enjoy having relationships with A.I. software. That’s because we have no problem sharing extremely personal information with someone, if that someone doesn’t judge you morally. Remember the best friend you like to share everything with all the time? That’s because he/she doesn’t judge you, just like AI. A chatbot is a good example. There’s already a famous therapist chatbot created by a team of Stanford psychologists and AI experts, in case you don’t know (meet WoeBot). But I think you’ll be impressed by this: Japan’s virtual wife (frankly, this is just sad). I believe influence from movies like The Transformers and Ironman also contribute to relationships with machines. It’s “cool” to have a robot to talk to, it seems. Anyway, now you know that people sometimes view A.I. just like animals…sometimes better than people.


HEADLINE: Google’s New AI Learns by Baking Tasty Machine Learning Cookies
COMMENT: Yes, that’s right. Now we have algorithms improving algorithms, as Google is now proving to the market. Remember this? We’re getting closer and closer to that reality every day.


HEADLINE: A World Without Work
PUBLISHER: The Atlantic
COMMENT: A MUST-READ. There are so many nuggets of crucial information about the marketplace in this article that selling it to you is a complete waste of time. To give you an even better perspective about everything, the A.I. domino effect extends to many other industries and most professionals and experts cannot foresee ALL dangerous consequences that will impact jobs and businesses in the marketplace, because the world’s interconnectivity is far too complex. Industries are linked in ways we cannot track completely. Complementary to all this, I guess you probably know that the on-demand economy is also a bubble about to burst, which will make things even worse in a near future. Add to that beautiful scenario the fun fact that we don’t have enough jobs for our current population already, proving that if someone is unemployed today (check the previous link) he should not be ashamed of himself anymore. There’s not a job for everyone, even if you’re in Tech. And even those who do have a job, may be living in poverty. THAT’s today’s reality. Which will become something worse thanks to Artificial Intelligence.


HEADLINE: Life After the Robot Apocalypse
PUBLISHER: Shelly Palmer
COMMENT: Shelly Palmer, a famous tech expert who advises companies like Universal and Verizon, delivers a concise, short article with just the core points that all of us need to worry about. From everyday workers to politicians. This chaotic new world where A.I. disrupts almost all parts of our society, needs attention. Lots of it. Quick read. Enjoy.


HEADLINE: AI Will Make Forging Anything Entirely Too Easy
COMMENT: Leaving aside the benefits of having A.I. create and edit audio, video and text, there’s the urgent need to worry about Forgery. Because once A.I. acquires the power to replicate Barack Obama’s voice just to promote your startup, along with the power to edit videos in real-time using just your face, then we know that bad actors will see this as their new toy. Think about lawsuits, for instance, where proving evidence to be true or false will basically become an incredibly hard job. Or hackers using fake audios of your parents asking for a simple money transfer. Or criminals using legitimate video of authorities, with edited facial expressions and audio just to make people do whatever they want. This is a very serious subject. We’re entering in a new world where everything we once judged as believable and proved to be true, may now be just a lie created by A.I.


HEADLINE: A Warning from Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Stephen Hawking
COMMENT: Another quick read showing what a few of the biggest names in our society are actually saying about Artificial Intelligence, and how it will take jobs in a massive scale. Once many of these job positions get filled by robots, poverty will increase, tax collection will decrease and inequality will achieve new proportions never seen before. Watch the videos embedded in this article so you can get a idea of what’s about to happen with millions of workers. Worldwide.


HEADLINE: How A.I. is Set to Disrupt our Legal Framework for Intellectual Property
COMMENT: If A.I. creates content for you (like Articoolo does) then who owns the rights to that work? Who’s the author in the eyes of the law? This is a very interesting take on how artificial intelligence will impact authorship nowadays. Quick read.


HEADLINE: Inside Facebook’s AI Machine
COMMENT: A good resource that proves how major companies like Facebook are using A.I., and how fast they can evolve once they put it in place. Facebook took weeks to deliver to the public brand new modules, features and functionalities which shows how fast the market is evolving. Why do you think Google, Baidu, Facebook, Intel and others are racing to buy A.I. startups? The stronger your A.I. infrastructure, the easier it gets to dominate the market.


HEADLINE: The Lack of Intelligence About Artificial Intelligence
COMMENT: Although Artificial Intelligence Article #7 and Article #6 explore the whole scenario society is about to face once A.I. reaches superintelligence, this article brings us back to reality. There are many many articles spreading misinformation, stating that A.I. will take over jobs a decade or 5 years from now. Wrong. This is a huge mistake. We already have factories with an operating robot force of 90%, and only 10% human workers. We already have Japan’s leading technology blog hiring a Robot as a writer instead of a human. We have robots improving surgery proceedings. So what you need to understand is simple: “REPLACE” doesn’t necessarily mean that a certain job position will vanish and robots will take over 100%. Negative. But you can surely bet that there will be far fewer humans in the market. For example, a media company won’t be needing a team of 25 writers. It can have only 3 writers whilst all the other ones are robots, with the humans monitoring the robots work and activity. The same happens with doctors, lawyers, engineers etc. Because to the eyes of those running a company, A.I. is a tool to cut expenses and costs, whilst giving an ultra-profitable opportunity at the same time. And with the financial crisis coming our way, businessmen won’t think twice before firing humans to put robots in their places. That’s what people need to understand. Superintelligence is not necessary to steal people’s jobs because we’re already seeing that happening with the A.I. we have today.


HEADLINE: The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Our Immortality or Extinction
COMMENT: Do I need to sell this? Probably not. Because if you read Artificial Intelligence Article #6 below, then you’ll see that there’s no need to sell you the Part II. This is another must-read, where the scary part takes place. Enjoy.


HEADLINE: The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence
COMMENT: THIS IS A MUST-READ!!! I know, I know. I know what you’re thinking: “Peterson this brand seems ridiculous, look at the logo…”. But I bumped into this thanks to a tweet. Who’s tweet you ask? Elon Musk’s tweet sharing this very article due to its accuracy. Wait But Why is a unique brand, its USP is to deconstruct subjects completely and now you can see why they have such reputation. Fast Company even did a massive article on Wait But Why just because of its success, in case you don’t know. Just check the highlights below, and you’ll see that this is truly expert-like content. Very very very well-researched. You won’t regret spending your time reading this if you want to know what superpowers AND dangers A.I. is bringing to the table. READ this. Seriously.


HEADLINE: The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI
PUBLISHER: MIT Technology Review
COMMENT: Artificial Intelligence is great and all that fluff you see on headlines all over the internet, but it has one big dark secret: In advanced stages it becomes a blackbox. Meaning, there’s a level where A.I. starts to make decisions on its own and doesn’t justify its decisions. Humans cannot tell why the machine decided what it decided. That’s a dangerous road if we’re putting this technology in society. Because how can we trust on medical diagnoses with A.I.? How can we trust our cars to A.I.? Or people to A.I. machines while in surgery? Although, it may have arrived to outstanding good outcomes with this method — without giving us any reason how and why — there’s always the question: but what happens if it fails? Because everything built by the hands of men, eventually fails.


HEADLINE: The AI Threat Isn’t Skynet. It’s the End of the Middle Class
COMMENT: Once you start reading AI-related articles you’ll quickly notice that some folks say the following: “Just like technology killed jobs in the past and created new ones, A.I. will kill jobs and create new ones as well. Don’t worry”. You see, this is a monkey talking. Here are the points not being considered when making this assumption: 1) The learning curve for today’s tech is far bigger than the one of 10 years ago. You’ll need to study A LOT of subjects very very fast now in order to be qualified for today’s market. 2) The speed at which A.I. will kill jobs will be much faster than any previous technology, forcing companies to embrace more A.I. tech faster to survive and consequently, change requirements for job positions every 3-6 months. This means that the average worker will have to spend tons of money just to stay alive studying so he can apply for a job. If years before, you had to study 10 subjects to compete for a job in a market that used to change every 18 months, now you’ll have to study 30 subjects to compete for a job in a market that changes every 3 to 6 months. That’s the time-window. And every 3-6 months, new subjects pop up again impacting the basic requirements for a job position. THAT’S THE REALITY all these “experts” fail to report.


HEADLINE: The Great A.I. Awakening
PUBLISHER: The New York Times
COMMENT: A MASSIVE, very well-research article with lots of videos about Artificial Intelligence’s history and some experts on the field. The New York Times did a very good job publishing this, giving facts and milestones about how A.I. exploded in our days with one of the first cases being Google Translate exponential improvement. It explains neural networks with simple examples, allowing you to understand A.I. a little bit better along with other core points of the subject. Enjoy.


HEADLINE: The Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence
PUBLISHER: The New York Times
COMMENT: The last insight Kai-Fu Lee delivers, about nations becoming “servants” of other nations that have a dominant A.I. force (like the U.S. and China), makes this article a must-read. Although I disagree that most countries wouldn’t mind having their population living on poverty (Hi Venezuela! Hi Cuba!) it’s true that nations will have to bend over to countries who have a faster production of goods and services, which are the nations employing and developing Artificial Intelligence in the market. Now, if your country doesn’t have its own A.I. force, you’ll have to borrow A.I. from other countries like the U.S. and China, which is an unstable position for foreign businesses because you can lose access to those major A.I. resources due to new laws, new sanctions, business decisions and other variables. But if businesses in your country can’t access A.I. resources in other countries you won’t be able to match any top AI-driven company in the global market, making your country useless in the global market (unless your country has a unique product/food etc). That’s the problem. You become dependant of another country to compete, and so is your government. Here’s a quick example: Dialogflow. This is the company previously known as API.AI, a chatbot building platform bought by Google in 2016. Now, how many foreign brands, companies outside the U.S., rely on Dialogflow for their chatbots? Too many. Well, this is an American company, which gathers massive amounts of business-related data through its customers’ chatbots. Great. And as A.I. evolves, Dialogflow’s platform will evolve too, allowing customers to build much smarter chatbots, killing the need for human customer service altogether. This means fewer global companies in the market and fewer people employed internationally, and therefore, fewer taxes to foreign countries. A consequence of AI + Globalization. One American business using A.I. killed many companies and jobs in other countries, diminishing tax acquisitions for all other governments. But these foreign governments cannot tax Dialogflow in return, to compensate all taxes lost due to job loss, because the company belongs to the United States. See the problem? Eventually, all countries with a dominant A.I. force will be the only ones able to provide value to the market because they’ll have more data, more money to do research, more money to evolve the business, more money to improve its products, and more of the right talent to do the work. And the only valuable thing countries without top A.I. will have to offer to this market dominated by AI-driven companies, is data. Data from its national citizens.


HEADLINE: New AI Tech Can Mimic Any Voice
PUBLISHER: Scientific American
COMMENT: This is a MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH for society. Truly impressive. Just listen to the audio embedded in this article, and you’ll see that forgering people’s voices using A.I. is now completely possible, which obviously increases the possibility of fake interviews, fake testimonies, fake speeches and more. With this kind of technology going mainstream, you cannot blindly trust in audios anymore.